Three poems in one day is probably a record but two of them have been in the works for weeks.  I just put the finishing touches on them and submitted them to my blog. I’m not supposed to write about this subject because I was a little vague with my sister about going to meet the cousins or not. At first, I thought that local family matters would interfere with my plans to drive to Bonita Springs. My sister was not included because of health issues and this was disappointing to both of us. We are all connected through my dad’s father, Grandpa J., who passed in 1992, thirty years ago. I am the modern day Grandpa J. 

The restaurant was called Traverna in their Vasari golf club subdivision. The sad and embarrassing moment was when I was shocked to discover that my eldest cousin’s husband passed last year. As a result, I had awkwardly put my foot in my mouth. The visit did inspire me to write the poem, “Dozens of Cousins.” (See Post #1993). They all heard the poems that I wrote for my parents’ funerals and asked if I would do one for our long overdue reunion. I’ve complied in short fashion below. 

Years ago, the family would gather every year at Simonton Lake in Elkhart or at nearby Oxbow Park. We’d have a picnic and play croquet or catch, as was the tradition. The only pleasant get-togethers in recent years have been the girl’s weekend that this year happened to be by our new Florida home. Two men were actually in attendance this year, while my cousin John was not included, and I crashed the party accompanied by my wife. 

By the way, the names may have been changed to protect the innocent – more poetic license. 

Cousins Unite 

Glad we reunited,
At Traverna this year.
The news was mostly good,
Except that one sad tear.

I crashed the “girls” weekend,
And now I must confess.
Glad Al could join us,
Cause I forgot my dress.

Vasari is beautiful,
And we’re not far away.
Maybe we can do it again,
Some other glorious day.

I think of you all often,
As cousins and friends.
Our Grandpa J. connection,
Will thankfully never end.

Though we have many cousins,
You’ll always be our “favs.”
And I refuse to rhyme this,
With the obvious “graves.”

I miss Simonton days,
And even Oxbow Park.
Sadly, our reunions,
Have been left in the dark.

But the Florida sun,
Brought us together.
While John was stuck,
In Hoosier weather.

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