I’m limited on time this morning, with a trip to the dentist. It was just another item on my calendar that got delayed four months because of the Coronavirus. Too bad it wasn’t totally cancelled like most of our activities. No Bali. No Canada. No Egypt. Just the dentist! So much time has passed since I made this appointment that I can’t even remember what they’re doing to my teeth in the three-hour time frame. I’ll soon find out. 

The countdown to Florida living continues. Only 8 months of preparation ahead, starting with a cross-country drive in about 30 days. Meetings with the builders and bankers will start the process. In the meantime, there will be design decisions, conference calls, moving arrangements to make, and lots of driving to do. I’ll have my son take pictures on a regular basis so we can monitor construction. This is the first and last home we will ever build. It will be an exciting process, especially when there’s little else to look forward to these days of isolation. 

I missed my self-imposed daily deadline yesterday on getting this blog posted. Between the dentist, two visits to friends’ homes, and codes to break in my latest Hunt A Killer mystery game, the day got away from me. My wife and I did sit down and watch episode five of Perry Mason on HBO and another hour of Titanic: Blood and Steel on Amazon Prime. Without much to write about, these posts accurately reflect my sense of boredom. 

I continue to marvel at Portland’s persistence to protest. I keep hearing from friends concerned about our safety here. The city is getting a lot of bad publicity nationally, when there’s little going on in our downtown neighborhood. However, it was eye-opening to drive downtown yesterday and see firsthand the destruction to businesses, buildings, parks, and statues. It’s a war-zone, while every protester continues to insist that their intentions are peaceful. There’s something wrong with this picture. “Moms” in yellow shirts were out two nights ago to fight federal intervention. Apparently, it was “Dad’s” turn to get out last night. These groups should be acting like responsible parents. There has to be a better way. The bigger the mobs, the more likely violence will break out, as it eventually did later last night. 

Crowds are dangerous – they look threatening, even in colorful t-shirts with positive messages. Unfortunately, not-so-mindful intruders also have access to yellow.  You’re forcing law enforcement to make snap decisions that do none of us any good. Stay home like the rest of us if you love America, and find another outlet for your anger. It’s nothing but a party in the streets – and you know it. Protesters, especially in masks, are nothing but a health and safety risk to our future. I promise to stay home myself today and meet my writing deadline.