I was up early these last two morning for both an airport run and granddaughter sitting. It meant two straight days of running only the minimum mile and foregoing the swim. Temperatures are starting to warm up after the great Florida Freeze of 2022. Thank you for any concerns about my well being during this difficult cold spell- it will be back in the eighties soon and my routine should return to normal.

I did get to see the sunrise both mornings with these early starts, while Friday, Monday, and Today have been welcome breaks from the standard 5k distance. I have appointments with both the chiropractor and acupuncturist this week to work on my hip pain. Yesterday, was the eye doctor, another professional benefitting from my old age woes – retirement is not without hassles.

Today, the Borrego Boyz have our monthly “Leadership Meeting,” as neighbors get together for food and beer. There is also a “Meet The Neighbors” event this Friday on our busy social calendar. My wife continues with bridge, tap, and water aerobics in an attempt to satisfy her restless nature. We’ve started to watch Ozark Season Four in the evenings, while my bedtime reading is The Paris Detective by James Patterson (not very good).

My oldest granddaughter is off to school this morning, while the youngest has yet to wake. I’ll feed her some cereal before her dad gets back from work in a few hours. We’ve yet to find a slot for “Matinee Monday” in this week’s schedule, so it’s doubtful that we’ll go to a movie, as if there’s something that we’re both burning to see. There’s always next week.