Due to a general lack of interest and rising costs of supporting this Go Daddy site, my blogging days may soon come to an end. I have to renew by SSL certificate in September and upgrade my site’s version of PHP. All these little charges are eating away at my retirement budget. Gas prices are soaring, interest rates going up, and the stock market plummeting. These are all signs of the retirement apocalypse, and a need to make changes in our spending habits. Luxuries like a second car, streaming subscriptions, travel plans, home improvements, and dining out practices all need to be reviewed.
I’m in a financial Catch-22 where I need to sell 401k stock to pay off credit card debt, debating whether market losses or interest payments are the deciding factor as to when. Either way I’m bleeding money that I don’t have to lose. Travel decisions have already been made for the year and most of the costs fortunately already paid in full. However, there will be some major gas expenses, car rental, and cruise excursions that will still be a factor in this year’s budget. The outdoor kitchen is more than half paid for, but there will be installation costs. I keep telling myself that I can’t take it with me and soon I may just have nothing left to pass along.
I also feel that medical costs are higher than expected as co-pays and visits are beyond expectations. I just returned from an echocardiogram appointment that has raised some concerns. Plus, the thermostat on our heating/cooling system is malfunctioning that will soon lead to paying a service call. These are the true hassles of retirement, while all of it leads to budget cutbacks and more frequent use of the words, “No More!”
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