Today's thoughts

Category: Fosse (Page 1 of 2)

The newest member of the family

Creature Features: Dog Differences #2529

Fosse got me up early this morning for one of her gross “goopy poopies,” likely because of the dead frog she ate last evening. Tastes like chicken, right Fosse! Tally was still in “good bed,” waiting for the sun to come up. On mornings like this I have to do two separate outings before my wife gets up to take over the responsibilities. I don’t know how she manages to sleep-in with Fosse anxiously staring at her. On occasion she’ll pick her up, so she can join her under the covers. Tally snoozes on!

My wife and Tally get up at the same time. Fosse is ready to go out again, but I make her “wait.” Tally’s business is good and firm. Once the two of us return and she hears me open the latch to come in, Fosse takes a running start and then slides down the hall on the smooth tile to greet us at the door. 

Once out and about, there is absolutely nothing that Fosse misses once it lands on the floor, but at least she hasn’t tried to consume another of our TV remotes lately. Tally can’t see or hear if something drops right in front of her nose.

During dinner outside on the lanai last night, Fosse busied herself by chasing a small chameleon, “buffing” at the sandhill cranes, and sniffing out every crawling bug. Tally, on the other hands, practices what we call “petnosis,” staring longingly at us in hopes we’ll give her a bite of whatever we’re eating. 

Tally usually only gets out of her bed if there’s a treat involved, while Fosse rarely sits still. Tally has to be coaxed to go outside, while Fosse can’t get enough of it. The only exception is when my wife tries to take a nap, Fosse immediately wants to cuddle. Her body heat then makes napping impossible. There is never a dull moment in our house these days. Fosse always wants to play fetch and gathers her toys around her to suggest that the games should immediately begin.

There are three times in every day when both pups want the same thing. The first is to ride on the golf cart to the dog park, where Fosse wrestles and Tally watches. The second is “yummy tummy,” when dinner is served. Fosse frantically gobbles her kibbles, as I prepare Tally’s wet and dry food combination, while tucking in the medication. There used to be a “kibble ball” for Tally’s dessert, but Fosse was too rough with the dispenser, so we now just mix it with her Cesar loaf and shut the door so Fosse can’t get to it. The third is “ham time,” that last treat before bed, a slice of turkey, not ham, these days in the interest of health. They both gather by the refrigerator in anticipation of this glorious moment. 

The two dogs are very different, primarily because of their fourteen-year age gap. Fosse is just nine-months while Tally is approaching fifteen. Fosse’s role is to keep Tally young, along with us humans. I can hear Fosse down the hall, squeaking her “disco pig,” hoping that I’ll take the bait and play fetch. She also loves to tug on the rope of her “party balloon,” if she can entice me to engage her. “Mom” and “big sister” continue to play possum in our bedroom- dog differences!

Retirement is not without Hassles: Dancing Snoopy #2511

The sky is an eerie color, but the storm has long passed. Once again, we were fortunate, very little damage in our area despite howling winds, blowing rain, and a tornado warning. Tally and Fosse were obviously glad it was over, as I collected three full bags on this morning’s outing. They spent some time with us as we took shelter in the master closet. My wife thought the power went off, but it was only the motion detector doing its job. Once she moved, the lights came back on. 

I did get to the fitness center early in the day, but mostly we just sat around watching TV and working our devices. She got restless and started decorating for Halloween, so I hauled out the storage boxes, and put batteries in dancing Snoopy, dressed in an orange mask and skeleton costume. He’s been with us for about 25-years, a treasure we picked up at the Hallmark Store. One hand holds a fortune-telling globe that lights up, but if you grab the other hand, he begins to dance, playing his popular theme song. 

I guess Snoopy is a lot like me this year. Even with fresh batteries, he doesn’t dance any more. I tried to play surgeon to see if there was a wire loose, but to no avail. We’re now two of a kind, struggling to move. I hope he isn’t in pain. The theme still plays, but there seems to be a problem where the battery pack wires run up his spine. I can easily empathize. As we get older, parts begin to malfunction. I’ve certainly had my share of that this year.

Because of the storm, my doctor’s appointment has again been delayed, but the MRI report suggests a more thorough examination into the spine. Hopefully, they can get working on an appointment since it takes several weeks to get insurance approval. In the meantime, Advil continues to ease my soreness, even the discomfort from my recent cystoscopy that revealed a need for prostate surgery. Scheduling that procedure has also been delayed because of the storm. 

Dancing Snoopy only sits like I do, waiting to perform again naturally. I may need to get a replacement for him, as I continue to evolve into the bionic man. Then, maybe we can both dance again?

Retirement is not without Hassles: Riding the Storm Out #2507

A Category 3 is headed our way! Batton down the hatches, Helene is coming soon! It may very well be our first hurricane while living here in Florida. We were traveling during Irma and Idalia, but our home held up. The pups were staying near here while we were gone, so at least Tally is a veteran, Fosse was yet to be born, but her doggy-parents endured the winds and rain at Tally’s side while staying at “Schnauzerville”. We’ll spend the next few days, charging phones, securing lanai & yard items, and stocking up on propane, water, and other essentials. We do not have a generator like most of our neighbors, so it could be hot and uncomfortable living for a few days. The outdoor kitchen will come in handy for food preparation. 

Our house of concrete and steel is built like a fortress, with hurricane windows, and a tile roof. It held up well during Irma, and even better with Idalia that packed less punch. I will be worried about the lanai screens and surrounding cage structure. Several neighbors lost theirs during previous storms, but this entirely depends on the direction of the wind swirls. We’ll do what we can to properly prepare that may include lugging the heavy ceramic plant vases and fountain into the garage. Neighbors pitched in to do this the last time in our absence, comfortably on an Alaskan Cruise. 

I understand that the noise can be deafening as the storm blows through. My son’s family, that lives nearby spent a couple days at a shelter. They did have some roof damage, that two-years later, claim payment is still being processed. I’m not sure that the property owners and insurance companies can financially withstand another devastating setback, yet people continue to flock to Florida and buy homes. 

In the meantime, more storms were brewing in the stomachs and bowels of Tally and Fosse. Fosse is beginning to rival her predecessor, Tinker, as the “Poopingest Pup on the Planet.” Tally’s stomach has been growling and treats have been limited to rice with chicken stock. We had to go out and buy more Spot Shot, and I’ve hauled out the carpet shampooer on more than one occasion.

My wife also has restricted her diet with concerns about diabetes. Low-carb meals are in my future that will certainly aid in helping me lose that post-surgery flab. The scale read 199 yesterday, so progress is being maintained. Advil continues to ease the sciatica pain, as I wait for MRI results and potential treatment. I was up with the dogs in the middle of the night and again just before sunrise and was able to get around comfortably on both occasions.  

The two of us went to see Train and REO Speedwagon a few weeks ago, so given the circumstances of hurricanes and diarrhea, all I can think of is the song, Riding the Storm Out! 

Ridin’ the storm out, waitin’ for the thaw out
On a full moon night in the Rocky Mountain winter
My wine bottle’s low, watching for the snow
I’ve been thinking lately of what I’m missing in the city

And I’m not missing a thing
Watchin’ the full moon crossing the range
Ridin’ the storm out, ridin’ the storm out
Ridin’ the storm out, ridin’ the storm out

Lady’s beside me, she’s there to guide me
She says that alone we’ve finally found home
The wind outside is frightening
But it’s kinder than the lightning life of the city
It’s a hard life to live but it gives back what you give

And I’m not missing a thing
Watchin’ the full moon crossing the range
Ridin’ the storm out, ridin’ the storm out
Ridin’ the storm out, ridin’ the storm out

Ridin’ the storm out, waitin’ for the fall out
On a full moon night in the Rocky Mountain winter
My wine bottle’s low, watching for the snow
I’ve been thinking lately of what I’m missing in the city

And I’m not missing a thing
Watchin’ the full moon crossing the range
Ridin’ the storm out, ridin’ the storm out
Ridin’ the storm out
Ridin’, ridin’, ridin’ the storm out”

Songwriter: Gary Richrath RIP
Data from: Musixmatch




Retirement is not without Hassles: Refrigerator #2501

I’m moving on to the next milestone, only 500 posts from 3,000. I feel like Pete Rose, aiming for that next hit to earn another record. Shohei Ohtani is in a bit of a stall, throttled by Braves pitching in his quest for 50/50. Aaron Judge, on the other hand, moved out of his funk, and smashed home runs number 52 and 53. The Cubs will probably have to wait until next year, still 5-games out of the last Wild Card spot that now belongs to the Mets. However, the Braves are just a game back, with three head-to-head-matchups in Atlanta remaining in the 2024 regular season. Our neighboring park, Cool Today, just released the 2025 Braves Spring Training schedule. It would be good to see them at least make the Playoffs. 

There’s a concert at the Park Saturday night, one of our favorite local bands, Dukes of Brinkley. Tonight, we’re out to dinner with Indy friends at Laishley’s in Punta Gorda and Friday night joining some neighbors at nearby Dockside. “Date Night” has therefore been moved to Saturday night, so we might be able to fit in a little live music.

I’m waiting for the refrigerator repair guy to call with a specific time, although there’s already been several frustrating cancellations. My wife is tired of running to the garage refrigerator during meal preparation. This has been an on-going hassle for several months. She’s substituting again today, so I had Dog Park duty. Once I finish writing, I’ll head to Chair Yoga and the fitness center. 

My leg pain was especially bad first thing this morning but has since predictably gone away. Fosse did not help matters, running off to chase a rabbit, while I limped after. Hopefully, I will get some feedback on the cause of this sciatica with Friday’s MRI. It was in my lower back last night, making our evening walk miserable. The Dog Buggy (stroller) at least allows me some support, and Tally enjoys riding along with us rather than being left behind at home. The pain moves from my lower spine area to my upper left thigh, and into my calf, so it’s been difficult to determine the source of the pinched nerve or irritation. I’ll finally get some answers and eventually some relief. Maybe we’ll even have working kitchen refrigerator by then?

Retirement is not without Hassles: Write On #2498

My first blog post was in September of 2016 (See Post #1), and I officially retired on December 30 – “just practicing” was the title. I was working with a therapist at the time trying to put together a plan to keep me busy. Writing was one of my ideas on the list that included books, movies, TV series, and of course running. The blog still continues, approaching the 2,500-article mark, but the running stopped in January of 2024, 8-years later following open-heart surgery. The original plan was to do one post a day, and I’ve tried to hold true to that commitment, although travel, writer’s block, just getting into the initial habit, and hospitalization have created some sizeable gaps. If I do the rough math, I should be at over 2,900 and somehow, I’ve missed nearly 400 days, well over a year!

Like everything else, where does the time go? I have written a couple of unpublished books in this time period and currently working on three more (Magic of 60, Hungry in Hungary, and Bad Boys Hall of Fame). There are excerpts mixed among these pages. I’ve adapted several of my earlier posts to compile my life’s story in a bound Storyworth publication, at the request of my family. In addition, this site includes nearly 300-poems, along with eulogies and personal adoption stories. They are all organized by category for easy reference. Sports (Old Sport Shorts) and pets (Creature Features) are my other writing passions.  

A lot of this is just personal therapy, recounting the daily frustrations that everyone experiences. Today, for example, I’m waiting for the refrigerator repairman and troubleshooting my outdoor landscaping. Our schnauzer Tally waits by my side, wanting to go to the dog park. Her sister, Fosse, has claimed the sought-after chair, once mine, across from my desk. We’ll all soon jump in the golf cart, and they’ll join their friends for a romp on the grass, while I observe from the bench. There are towels tumbling in the washer, and my wife is headed to school for the day. We’ll have an informal “Date Night” at Pioneer Pizza, trying out another new restaurant as is the tradition. Tomorrow night, we’ll go to Michael’s On East in nearby Sarasota to use some gift cards. I suggested it because my local baseball card shop, Blue Breaks, has added a store there and I want to stop by for the Grand Opening. If she’ll tolerate an hour there, we’ll enjoy some nice steaks afterwards. On Sunday, I have a vendor table at their original Venice store to hopefully sell or at least trade some of my baseball cards, another retirement hobby. The owners are nice British family with a small business that I like to support. Selling allows me to buy more from them. As always, I appreciate your reading this nonsense as I “Write On.”

Retirement is not without Hassles: Keep Moving #2496

For the first time, our schnauzer puppy Fosse didn’t whimper or scream when my wife went to work this morning. She was quiet and came to sit on my lap, with some coaxing, hopeful that I would take her to the dog park. Tally, her older sister, went back to bed. What has traditionally been Tally’s role of taking over my office chair, has now become Fosse’s. I’m third in line for my own chair. Taking them out this morning was again very painful, but my leg is starting to loosen up as I sit here writing. By late morning, I’ll be out in the yard tending to some plants and then off to the fitness center. The pain will return on occasion but will not be a debilitating factor until just before bedtime.

I was hoping that last evening’s walk might help, so we put Tally in the stroller and did about a mile-and-a-half. Admittedly, I slept better but the sciatica flared-up with vengeance this morning. Between the dog park, chair yoga, and the stationary bike yesterday, I didn’t have time for a walk on the treadmill, but spent some time in the pool later. I’m trying different routines and stretching exercises to relieve my discomfort. There doesn’t seem to be a pattern with the pain, as last night there was discomfort in my calf muscle. 

As I look back over some of my previous posts, this leg issue has come on gradually. On our cruise and in the weeks before, two months after surgery, it first appeared as cramps in my thigh and calf.  It was not until two months ago that it got really painful, especially in the morning. It’s not like a sleep for eight hours without any movement. I’m usually up every two-hours and headed to the bathroom. Sometimes it’s bothersome at that time of night and sometimes not, making the whole thing very confusing and frustrating. It aches when I get back to bed, and I try some massage, tracing a tender path from my pelvis down the side of my left leg into my calf. This seems to be where the irritation comes from, but there’s also the soreness in my lower back. My entire leg is either sore or stiff, depending on the time of day. 

As I write this, I continue to search for a reason why this is happening and what to do about it. Hopefully, the MRI in 2-weeks will reveal some answers. I’ve tried heat and ice applications, stretching, yoga, sitting on firmer surfaces, lying on my back in bed, exercise, and rest. The bottom line seems to be that I just have to keep moving!


Retirement is not without Hassles: Labor Day Victory #2489

Another painful start to the day. I’ll sit here writing until the ice pack does its work, and my left leg finally loosens up. I go through this process every morning now while taking the dogs out is the worst part. Fortunately, I was talking to a kindly neighbor as Tally did her business, and he did the honors of picking it up. He apparently went through the same thing with a disc problem, knowing that bending over can be excruciating. Fosse did not need to go, so I’m wondering if she picked a spot indoors – I just can’t check at this time. 

Within an hour, my leg began to function normally, and soon I’ll be able to help it along with some stretching and a trip to the fitness center. I was at least able to go out again and see that my timer project is working. I’ve installed two on our fountain. The first fills the base with water and the second activates the pump that is then set to then shut off at dusk. I got tired of manually refilling the fountain bowl all the time since most of the water splashes out or is scattered by the wind rather than be recycled efficiently. I chose the lazy man’s way out – technology!

It took me two days of hassle to finally get it operating properly. I had to order two different timers to get the right one, returning the first. I also had to contact customer service because the valve on the water timer was stuck. They have yet to get back to me, but I apparently solved the problem on my own through trial and error. I thought I would have to send that one back too. Instead, today became a Labor Day victory! 

My wife has the day off from substitute teaching, so we were all able to sleep a little later. She just got up and took the dogs to the park. In the meantime, I enjoyed my little victory over technology and took Fosse out one more time – this time successfully – she didn’t go in the dining room as I suspected. I think she just wanted multiple treats, one of Tally’s tricks. The more they go out – the more the rewards. I’m surprised they don’t park themselves by the front door. By the way, Fosse chewed up her fourth remote control!

I have one more Labor Day project that has already presented several days of DIY hassle. A landscaping light went out, and I may have shorted out the system trying to get the bulb out of the socket. I also had to do some major digging to expose the underground network of wires. After the fact, You Tube showed me how to properly do it, carefully twisting and removing the protective shroud to gain access, rather than trying to muscle it out. Now that I know how to do it right, it should be easier in the future. Unfortunately, I didn’t happen to be around to ask questions when they installed the system. Rule #1: always learn how to properly maintain the unfamiliar when they initially put it in. This saves time and trouble. Now, I should simply have to take the bulb to the dealer. Hopefully, it’s still under warranty, since it’s the only one of a dozen that failed. However, I still think there may be a problem with the wiring that “Mr. DIY Disaster” caused. 

Once I get these problems solved, I can re-focus on my leg, as if I can ignore the pain. It’s already been a week with no feedback on a MRI date. I go back to the chiropractor in a few days, since like everything else his offices are closed for the holiday. There’s not much he can do until I get the results of this test. The lighting store will probably also be shuttered, so that DIY project will continue to wait. 

I also initially thought this would be an exciting football weekend, but the IU game was only available through streaming since the Big Ten Network was showing the Northwestern game, and the University of Oregon does not have a contract with Xfinity, so it too was unavailable to watch in our area, except via streaming. Both teams at least won! Televised sports are getting too complicated for this retiree. In addition, the Bears don’t play until next Sunday, so that too was a disappointment. At least, I got my Labor Day victory over the fountain. 

Retirement is not without Hassles: Doddle and Lollygagging #2462

Paydays always make for a beautiful day in the neighborhood. I like it when there’s money coming in instead of out. However, it quickly goes back out to bills with little left over – the current cycle of life. My son’s 50th is quickly coming up and our drive to Maine – more money going out! It’s my brother-in-law’s birthday today but we rarely exchange gifts, but I will see him next week or so as we make our way through Indiana – “Back Home Again.” I’m on a tenderloin quest, with that being my suggestion when I lunch together with my half-siblings, as well, in Columbus, Indiana. It will be the first time that I meet Kristi, who was not present at our initial gathering in Scipio. Four remaining Bannister sisters.

My wife has her tap class today, while I go to the chiropractor for my third visit this week. She’s active and I’m currently not, maybe the result of our 4-plus differences in age? I’m particularly sore first thing in the morning, but still manage to get to the gym. I’m sitting on an ice pack as I write this. I may take it with me on the long drive ahead. Hopefully, I’ll be able to get in some walking on our adventure north, despite the fact that it’s uncomfortable. Treatments don’t seem to be working.

The dogs are headed to the park, as is the morning ritual. Fosse spent the night in “good bed,” rather than the cage. There were no accidents, so it looks like she quickly learned her lesson. She’s a smart dog, but I struggled trying to get her to do her business last night before bedtime. My wife takes her on a long walk – maybe a bit too soon before her last outing. “Ham Time” did not seem to inspire her, as Tally waited impatiently for her reward while her sister continued to doddle. It’s usually the other way around, the slower Tally lollygagging and dillydallying along. Doddle, dillydallying, and lollygagging – three words you don’t see very often in the same paragraph. 


Retirement is not without Hassles: I Can See Clearly #2461

Two more chair yoga classes and I’m on my way to Maine, as I continue to struggle with my left leg. I’m getting just as tired of writing about it as limping on it. Yesterday, I made two trips to the chiropractor seeking relief. It loosens up as the day “stretches on” with the worst time being that first outing with the dogs. However, I look across the street at my neighbor leaning on his cane and realize that it could be worse. Everyone has their aches and pains, so mine aren’t unique – just frustrating. 

Speaking of pains, our puppy, Fosse, is now a chewing machine. This morning, she went after another TV accessory but settled on destroying a plastic pen. The feisty little thing, three pounds heavier in just the last month, recently tried eating the remote for our living room TV to the extent where I had to replace it. I can’t even set something down for a second within her reach. Plus, her territory has extended to climbing up on my office chair to get at things on my desk. I have to carefully put everything away or she immediately takes possession. Tally went through this stage years ago, and the corners of our coffee table still bear the scars of her teeth. We called her the “Talligator.” Fosse’s new nickname is often now just a string of expletives!

One big positive in my life is eyesight improvement. As my vision continues to get better after cataract surgery a few weeks ago, I may not even need glasses. This was certainly a higher-priced option, but I elected for the standard procedure. At this point, there seems to be very little difference in clarity with or without my spectacles. Next month, with my follow-up exam, I’ll know for sure, but I’m certainly encouraged by the progress. “I can see clearly now,” the tune Johnny Nash used to croon.

Retirement is not without Hassles: Carriage Chauffeur #2458

I had cataract surgery on my left and final eye – glad there only two. It’s an inconvenient drive up to the Sarasota medical center, so we were reluctantly up at 5:30, before Tally and Fosse began to even stir. It was so early, my brain failed to solve the daily Wordle puzzle that hadn’t probably happened in well over a year of routine solutions. The site used to tally my lengthy streaks, but that eventually required a subscription, so I’ve opted to just keep track of the rare failures rather than the usual failures. I had the AUNT but my three first-letter guesses of V, T, and D were incorrect.

We all slept well last night after an evening walk together, an activity that I haven’t been able to do of late with the cramping in my legs. We tried a different approach last night, resurrecting the dog carriage that used to haul an aging Tinker. I remember our day strolling through Butchart Gardens in Vancouver, Canada on the fourth of July a few years ago. Tinker was the “doggy darling” in her carriage and Tally looked longingly at jumping in with her. Later in the day, as all of us grew tired, they were both being pushed by me back to our hotel. Tally hasn’t ridden in there since, stored in our garage after Tinker passed.

Fosse and my wife have been walking every night, while Tinker and I typically stay home. Last eve was the exception after deciding to join in the parade, putting the old lady in the stroller, while pushing helped provide some support for my sore back. I can’t yet comfortably walk on my own unless I can hold on to the side rails of the treadmill or lean on shopping cart and in this case the buggy. It’s just enough to ease the pressure on my sciatica nerve. I suppose I could bring out Sky Walker for an encore, but from my perspective that would be a big step backwards in my recovery. The buggy is a good disguise, protecting my old age pride. 

Yesterday, I also looked into a work-from-home opportunity with the Resy restaurant reservation system. I was approached by a reputable recruiter from a respected Marketing agency, but there are a lot of elements that scream of a scan. For example, they only pay in cryptocurrency, that requires setting up a digital wallet.  I would have to deposit a small amount of money into the account to set it up, allowing them to deposit my earnings. It would be easy, convenient work but seems too good to be true. It was better than supplying my social security number directly to Resy. I may take the gamble, though leery, especially after falling near-victim to the recent Marriott Vacation Club rent impersonator. 

I hope to bring out the princess carriage for our next evening walk. Tally seemed to enjoy the attention, instead of waiting impatiently by the front door for Tally to return with my wife or not getting up at all. The distance is a bit far for her to negotiate on 14-year-old legs. I do let her out a few times along the way to do her business and wrestle with her sister, who could go on forever like the Energizer Bunny. I also like the fact that I can hold on and steady myself along the way, while treating her to the evening breezes as her Carriage Chauffeur. 

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