Today is “Lunch” day, more commonly known to the working public as Friday.  Either way, it’s a good day – and another hot one. Fortunately, tomorrow we’re on an airplane headed to the cool breezes off San Francisco Bay.  The only real unpleasantry is struggling to pack a suitcase and watching Tinker, our eldest dog, start to fret, knowing that we’re probably going to leave her behind.  For some reason, I just don’t like to pack, and in retirement I’ve been doing a lot of it.  I will try to decide what to take, procrastinate, and then just throw a bunch of things in the suitcase at the last minute.

I thought of some other “unfavorable” things that have happened over the past couple of weeks, and it reminded me of a poem I wrote a few years ago.  Fortunately, they’ve all been silly little inconveniences like getting a pitcher of warm beer at a bar, sticky ice cream dripping down my arm, computer problems, or a credit card that won’t work.  These are things worthy of laughter, but then again there are moments of fear and loss that are also part of life’s ups and downs.  On the favorable side, there has been no rain in my life over the past sixty days, a rare occurrence here in the Northwest.  Only blue skies and sunshine for this retiree!


Unfavorable Things


Unpleasant times,

Unfavorable things.

Distasteful moments,

That life sometimes brings.


Bitters and bummers,

Tricks not treats.

Humps and have-nots.

Sour not sweet.


Like riding a motorcycle,

And swallowing a bug.

Or sipping a cold beer,

In a warm mug.


Stuck on a blind date.

With someone you hate.

Or a glass of curdled milk.

Past the expiration date.


When a high becomes a low,

That glow starts to fade.

Disappointment quick to show,

Like a broken promise made.


Lemons not lemonade,

A fly in the flour.

Or awaiting the results,

When each minute’s an hour.


Turbulent times,

Troubling things.

Distasteful downers,

That life sometimes brings.


Bitters and bummers,

Tricks not treats.

Humps and have-nots.

Sour not sweet.


Hoping for the best,

Then a smile becomes a frown.

Or that sinking feeling,

As you go from up to down.


Ice cream melting down your arm,

On a hot summer day.

Or wishing for a sunny sky,

And getting rain and gray.


Instead of a raise,

A pink slip from the boss.

On the verge of winning,

Then a last second loss.


Stuck in an elevator,

Dealing with Bad Breath.

Losing a good friend,

Or being scared to death.


Anticipating success,

But a handshake, not kiss.

Looking on target,

Instead a near miss.


Saying the wrong thing,

A cold shoulder at night.

No hand to hold,

On a white knuckler flight.


Expecting the job,

But not getting the call.

Not wearing any shoes,

When you find a hair ball.


No space on your armrest,

Sitting next to a jerk.

Getting a bargain,

But your credit card won’t work.


Slipping in poop,

Or getting a rash.

Mechanical failure.

Or a hard-drive crash.


Unpleasant times,

Unfavorable things.

Distasteful moments,

That life sometimes brings.


Copyright 2009