The Hood to Coast countdown continues……2d 20h 56m  10s until race start!

Back in my working days, I used the Toastmasters program to bolster my public speaking confidence and skills.  I first joined Toastmasters back in the mid 80’s through the encouragement of a friend.  I was involved in the weekly meetings on and off for more than 30 years, eventually achieving the highest honor, Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM).  Even after all of those years, public speaking was still one of my greatest fears, despite becoming very proficient at it and winning many awards.  I would sometimes dread my next presentation, searching for inspiration just to get through it.  Rarely do I have the opportunity to speak any more, but still remember that uncomfortable feeling in my stomach and the adrenaline rush associated with each speech.  What I found was that the feeling that I just might fail was all the inspiration that I needed.

In many ways, the upcoming Hood to Coast Relay is reminiscent of the Toastmasters experience.  Even though I have runs hundreds of races, including marathons, I approach every one with a fear of failing.  It’s that same uncomfortable feeling that challenged every speech that I made.  Fear of failing made me prepare more diligently and appreciate accomplishment. I’ve done everything I can to prepare for the upcoming race, and I’m glad I don’t have to give a speech to go along with it.   Here’s some words of inspiration that I delivered as part of a district Toastmasters meeting several years ago:




My goal today,

Is to inspire.

Under each of us,

To light a fire.


It might be easy,

With a background choir.

That might lift,

Our spirits higher.


Or offer a bottle,

With the label INSPIRE.

And if it worked,

I could retire.


A magic wand,

Would be great.

I’d wave it once,

To motivate.


Flap my arms,

Jump up and down.

To make you smile,

Instead of frown.


Where do we find it,

You might inquire?

This elusive power,

We need to inspire.


Breathe it in,

Draw it out.

Set an example,

Show no doubt.


Just point the way,

Be someone’s guide.

It’s in each of us,

Just look inside.


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