Last night was our “Movie Night,” but not the traditional night that we go.  Because of my wife’s three-day weekend, we were able to get in both an evening fundraiser event and a trip to the movie theater, which would have normally been a one-or-the-other choice.  We chose the movie, “Wind River,” a Native American murder mystery based on a true story.  The setting is on an Indian Reservation in Wyoming, although the movie was filmed in Utah.  The female FBI officer that was sent to investigate the crime scene forgot to bring a warm jacket and had to go to Cabela’s to get properly outfitted.  There is one in Jackson Hole and it may even have a Cracker Barrel next door.  (See yesterday’s post #241).  Once she was appropriately dressed, she was able to ride snowmobiles at eighty miles per hour and complete the investigation.

The cinematography in this movie was outstanding.  Plus, it’s the way I want to see the Great Outdoors, from a comfortable seat in an air-conditioned theater.  While they were dealing with dead people, wild animals, freezing temperatures, and loss, I was eating popcorn and trying to get the ideal elevation height for my feet.  The acting was superb and the story-line compelling.  I would highly recommend that you see it, and feel it will be in contention for several awards.

Today we’re headed to wine country, as my wife wants to take advantage of her day off from work.  I’m just confused on what day it is!  We’re already way overstocked on wine, so hopefully we won’t try to buy more today, but rather just explore some new locations.  Our other option was to go see the Pompei exhibit at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry. We’ll catch that on a rainy weekend, since it continues into October.  We have been to Pompei, Italy, but then again we’ve also been to wine country.

It will be another hot one today, expected to hit 100 degrees with a lot of haze in the sky from surrounding fires.  The sunrise was beautiful because of the smoke, but the air quality is bad.  The dogs will get to go with us as we travel the dusty roads of wine country, home to nearly 500 wineries.  My list shows that we’ve been to just under 50, with a lot left to explore. Just two days ago, I was bottling wine at a friend’s vineyard, but it will need to sit at least another year in the bottles to be ready to drink.  For my labors, I did bring home a case of the 2015 to share.  There is no room left in the wine cooler, as my levels of consumption dropped while I was training for Hood to Coast.  That may change today!