I just got back from exercising the dogs as part of my three-mile run.  My wife walks both of them on a leash, while I loop around, giving each a chance to run beside me.  They are often easily distracted so they only get bursts of activity, but once we get home, they are happy and tired.  My son and his family are on my mind this morning as they prepare for Irma to hit Florida.  I know there will be extensive damage but I just hope they will be safe.  I’m monitoring the Weather Channel as I write, praying that it changes direction or loses intensity.  It’s going to be a long night for them.

It’s movie night for us here in Portland, although nothing really appeals to me.  Maybe Logan Lucky or The Hitman’s Bodyguard?  I’d probably rather stay home, watch football, and keep an eye on Irma.  I spent the last couple of days preparing for upcoming travel.  My wife is headed to Washington D.C. next week, while I stay home with the dogs.  January and September will be the only months in my first year of retirement where I haven’t traveled somewhere out of state.  I did finalize our arrangements for four days in L.A. and five days in New York City during October, and moved-up our original trip to Indiana into November.  We’ll then return to Indiana for Christmas to end the year.

Travel changes can be a big hassle.  In many cases, I’m trying to coordinate my flights with my wife’s company travel coordinator.  I’ll book the rooms through Marriott and rental car from Hertz, using their convenient apps.  I may end up paying a little more, but the familiarity and convenience are well worth it.  In fact, the only real problem with moving the dates to Indiana from October to November was a hotel in my wife’s home town.  Since they don’t have a Marriott option near there, I was dealing with “strangers” in trying to reschedule.  They were being stubborn, so I had to make additional phone calls and write e-mails to make the necessary changes.  In addition, the flight change for me was both costly and cumbersome.  I paid a $200 rescheduling penalty and $75 in fare increases.  It was actually more than the original flight into Chicago’s O’Hare!  Everything else was a simple click on the app with no questions or hassles.

While she does business in Chicago, L.A., and N.Y., I’ll go see the sights, or take a side-trip.  A friend’s son just moved to New York, for example, so I’ll buy him lunch.  I’ll also get to see a former ad agency supplier of mine, who still continues to do business with my wife.  I haven’t seen him in nearly 20 years, adding to my growing list of re-connections this year.  A year ago, just before my retirement date, I joined my wife for an unforgettable business trip into Chicago and the related drive into Indiana to visit her family.  We went to games 4 and 5 of the World Series at Wrigley Field and to a Chicago Bears game at Soldier Field.  It was a rare occasion of Cubs win and Bears win!  This year’s trip probably won’t be so eventful, although we are in New York City during the dates of this year’s World Series, should the Yankees somehow get that far.  We’d also be in L.A. during the National League Championship Series with the Dodgers in the hunt, so I may be properly positioned for post season baseball.

My son and his family are going back to school.  They will be riding out the storm at North Port High School in a classroom on the second floor.  It will be a frightening experience, especially not knowing how much damage is being done to their nearby home.  I remember huddling in the hallway of my grade school back in Indiana as tornadoes slammed the surrounding neighborhood.  I’m sure my parents were worried about my safety that school day over 50 years ago, just as I’m concerned for my son, daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren.  I’m sure it will be a night that they will all remember forever, just as I recall the fear, damage, and clean-up from the devastating twisters.  I still have nightmares, but our home was spared.  Prepare for a Stormy Sunday.