I lead a rather boring life these days. Nothing seems to excite or inspire any more. I’m not very mobile, still limping on my left leg, so getting around isn’t easy. The dogs tend to determine my daily routine. Out at seven, unless I set an alarm, then every couple hours with last call at ten. I plan to walk a mile this morning, despite the discomfort, and this is the extent of my daily exercise these days. The big question remains: will the nerves in my leg return to normal? So far, after surgery there has been little change. I try to remain patient but it’s frustrating. 

Pain no longer keeps me awake at night, but my bladder still does. I got up at least four times last night. My other issue is unsteady hands. My neurologist has increased the dosage of Primidone to curb the tremors, but it’s still difficult to hit the right keys when I write. Plus, it makes me sleepy in the afternoon. I couldn’t stop yawning at a friend’s house yesterday after lunch. Diet Coke still gives me a boost but also makes me shake. It’s another futile battle!

Ten years ago, I didn’t have any of these problems, but those times are hard to remember. I also didn’t appreciate my good health – I took it for granted. Little did I know what loomed ahead. I know I’m not alone, but there are still those who seem to defy age. I always thought that I would be that guy! Believe me, even a year can make a difference. I was still running and writing at age 72. Now, I’m 73 and struggling. I hope I can turn this trend around and begin to enjoy life again.