Our 15-pound schnauzer named Fosse thinks that she is a big dog. There are two sides to our dog park – big and little – she prefers to be BIG. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday three “Aussies” (Australian Shepards) come to the park led by owner’s Val and Mike. We call them “the circus,” as they leap in the air to catch frisbees. Fosse is enamored with them, squeaking with delight as they approach. 

Little Fosse joins the circus when they arrive, keeping pace with them, afraid only of the flying frisbees. For some reason, she won’t go near these flying discs, chasing after the dogs instead as they grab them from the air. Fosse will bound at full speed, often with a ball in her mouth, as the “Aussies” go through their morning routine. She does stay away when they are hosed off at the end of their workout. Otherwise, she’s an Aussie Wanna-Be! 

Our other schnauzer, Tally, watches from the sideline, her 15-year-old body no longer suitable for romping with the “Aussies.” Fosse, as a one-year-old, has boundless energy and goes to the dog park twice a day. Tally often sleeps in or pretends when it comes time to leave but is always up for a treat or when smelling scintillating scents from the kitchen. Tally once had Fosse-like energy, as did her predecessor, Tinker, who liked to chase the ducks through the mud at our lake home. Dogs will be dogs, but Fosse strives to grow up to be an “Aussie.”