After getting back from our trip, I initiated some additional family inquiries. First, I got my DNA tests back from, so I contacted a couple of close matches that were listed as first and second cousins. The last names were not familiar, like Crews, Pearcy, Hale, Burkman, and Pershing. There was also a Banister male and a Bannister female listed as possible third cousins that I’m in the process of contacting. My primary quest now is to seek information on the birth father. Second, I sent another follow-up e-mail to Banister family cousin Janine, hoping to arrange a phone conversation. I think she can get me some pictures of my birth mother at a younger age, and maybe some specifics on the father. There are only two people alive in the world that would have knowledge of his identity, my soon to be 85 birth mother and her 86 year old sister. Janine’s mother is regularly in touch with the sister, so I’m confident that photos and information that I’m sending are getting to my birth mother. This gives me comfort, knowing that I’ve done everything possible to get in touch with her. Third, I bought a 6-month subscription to yesterday, and have already gotten some inquiries. I’ve also spent some time updating the Jerry Banister Family Tree on the site that I started a couple of months ago. 

The last note from Janine expressed my birth mother’s hesitation to respond to my communications. I will give her time, but at her age time is at a premium. To be blunt, I’m concerned that my birth father’s identity may go to the grave with her and her sister. I did not get the DNA match that I was expecting with Bruce Banister, the family genealogist who maintains one of the Banister Family Trees on the site. This would have given me more credibility in establishing a relationship with this “second family.” I do have the match with Janine that was established on 23andMe. I‘m fortunate that she’s been helpful in my search, and look forward to my phone conversation with her.