When I first became aware of the every-day running challenge, I was immediately intrigued. We were at dinner with the Anderson’s at Eddie V’s  in Austin when the subject was discussed. I decided to wait until the first of the year, along with my other New Year resolutions to get started. I also planned on just earning the certificate for completing 365 consecutive days of running at least a mile. I never expected to continue for ten years.

As New Year’s Day approached, I expedited the start, beginning my daily runs on December 29, 2008. As it turned out after the fall-out from ten years of pounding the pavement, one other runner started on that day, while five began their streaks on the 1st. As a result, my overall ranking has improved because of that decision. It’s interesting to note that of those five, one is from Austin where I started my campaign and one is from Portland where I currently reside. One of the consequences of moving from Austin to Portland was reluctantly giving up my top-city ranking.

In moving from “Proficient” to “Experienced” status, I’m currently tied for 203rd on the Active Running Streak List. I’ve noticed that my position hasn’t changed much in recent years, as habits are now well established above me. It’s sometimes sad when I gain a spot, knowing that someone has given up due to injury or worse. I can’t imagine life without my running streak – it gets me going every day. In fact, I’ve carried-over my daily discipline from when I was working into retirement. With a wife that’s still working, it gets me out of bed before her and keeps me out of her way while she’s getting ready. Otherwise, her occasional envy of my newfound freedom might lead to even more resentment. Fortunately, she enjoys her career for the most part and tolerates the only benefit of my older age.

I returned to my northern Indiana home for day 3,563, meaning there was a dusting of snow for my ten-year anniversary. I ran the usual 3.1 miles (5k a day) that I religiously maintain, with the exception of an occasional early morning flight. Tomorrow, I’ll get up a 3:30 a.m. Central Time and probably barely exceed the minimum mile as part of the scramble to get to the airport. This is particularly painful considering that it’s 1:30 a.m at home. As always, the first mile is the toughest, and I won’t get the rush of a longer run to start year 11.

I would probably have a longer running streak if I had known of the challenge earlier in life, but ten consecutive years is an accomplishment at any age. I salute those that have toiled longer and encourage those that have just started. I’m grateful to have avoided injury and laziness and look forward to many more years of what makes my friends giggle – being a streaker.

The first thing that comes to mind on this eventful occasion is Alvin Lee and Ten Years After, although rockers typically aren’t runners. Music is an important part of my run every-day and gets me through some of those tough moments. I’ve sadly transitioned from sprinting to running to jogging, and now simply chugging along. It takes a lot longer to run a mile these days, but I’m still making the effort every single day without fail.