I’m finally glad to have some “my time,” to reflect on a couple of busy days.  I’ve done my daily run, cleaned toilets, vacuumed, dusted furniture, did laundry, and even managed a little touch-up painting outside in the sunshine.  It’s a beautiful day.  No rain.  I spent a lot of time with friends the past few days being a good little extrovert, but the introvert side of me wants some alone time! Dinners, breakfasts, lunches, a wedding reception, “Guardians of the Galaxy,” and a trip to the Portland Japanese Gardens made the time pass quickly.  For those in the know, I “got my Groot on,” did the “Humpty Hump,” Bonsai-ed, and broke bread.  I also got the Senior Citizen discount at both the movie and the gardens, taking advantage of my Senior status.

I feel like I should take a nap, or maybe have a Diet Coke instead.  I sat outside in the sun and read my book, but never got drowsy.  I’ve admitted being addicted to Diet Coke in the past, but actually avoided it all last week, and my nap rates did not go up.  Maybe I forgot to drink it, since diet sodas have recently been linked to dementia?  I’ll just add that to the list of reasons  why I shouldn’t drink soft drinks and find something else to obsess about.  I also used to also obsess about days off from work.  “I just wish I had 10 days off,” I would often catch myself wishing, particularly early in the week.  In retirement, my wish has been granted!  I doubt that I will start wishing for more laundry and vacuuming, but I do not despise these tasks now.  I’ve admitted that I tried to do them poorly in the past, but they are currently all my responsibility, and I’m getting better at doing them.

I just submitted my Chicago Cubs, “Schwarber at the Bat” poem to the Chicago Tribune.  It will probably be ignored, but someday maybe I’ll have a break- through with my writing. Just like vacuuming and laundry, perhaps I’ll get better, since I now have the time to do it.  There’s no boss looking over my shoulder, very little interruption, and obviously little structure that I have to follow.  I can write about sports, pets, or everyday retirement bliss.  Plus, you don’t have to read it unless you want to!

I got a message and photo from a friend of mine first this morning saying simply, “Lovin’ my new job!” It’s his smiling face next to his young grandson sucking on a pacifier.  I responded, “that job looks like it sucks!” He then texted, “The pay ain’t very good!” He just retired at the beginning of the year like I did, and seems to be enjoying his free time, as well.  In talking with another close friend about how I keep track of the days of the week, he showed me his plastic pill dispenser with the day of the week labeled over each individual compartment. MTWTFSS. He admitted to still having trouble with the two-T’s and the two S’s.

My sister has three more weeks until she retires from teaching.  I be calling her this afternoon, as I do every “Trash and Cleaning” day.  It’s part of a tradition that I started with my parents years and years ago, when I still referred to today as Monday.   After they passed, I call her, instead.  I’m hoping that she found my Dad’s WWII diary, since I’ll be visiting Normandie, France in less than two weeks.  I glanced through it as we were dividing property, but do not remember the specifics he wrote about D-Day.  I’m sure the visit there will be a sobering experience.

THANK YOU… for your service Veteran’s, and for so many of them that gave their lives so we could enjoy our freedom.