Today's thoughts

Retirement is not without Hassles: Domestic God #96

It’s been a good day, once again settling into my retirement routine.  I’m enjoying plenty of “my time” in taking full advantage of having the house to myself.  We’ve been out of town 13 of the last 17 nights, with a dog sitter staying here, as well, so the house needed some attention.  I’ve been a Domestic God!

I did my 3 mile run, a couple loads of laundry, unpacked, vacuumed, dusted, cleaned toilets, prepared an osso buco to slow-cook in the crock pot, walked the dogs twice, and did some writing – all before I p.m.  I’ll tend to myself next and try to avoid taking a nap.

There was a time in life when I would have envisioned such a day as an absolute nightmare. The osso buco recipe wouldn’t have even entered my thoughts, since cooking is something that I never even attempted until just recently.  Cleaning my room was an annual undertaking, and no surface was ever exposed to dust.  Do I do any of these tasks as well as my wife?  No, just ask her!  However, I’m sure she’s proud that I’m at least trying.  I got up just before she did, as I always do in an attempt to not rub this retirement gig in her face.  She claims to still enjoy her career.  I did not, and am more than glad to leave it behind.  We had our dose of Vitamin D-3 and one egg before she left this morning, shaking her head.  I was not properly cutting up the red onion for the recipe.  She had already cut up the carrots and celery so I wouldn’t screw that up.  Then she went on a tirade about some of our electrical switches and outlets that need to be repaired.  Needless to say, I was ready for “my time.”   Look out office, here she comes!

We have gotten over colds, jet-lag, and both of us can finally sleep soundly through the night. If I were truly a Domestic God, I would have been the one to wash and change the sheets when we first got back a few days ago.  She beat me to it.  There are certain things that she will probably never rely on me to do, including clean sheets and grocery shopping.  There is no room for error when it comes to a good night’s sleep, and crisp, fresh sheets are at the top of the list.  I am not yet worthy of this task, and until I am, I will never be a Domestic God. Well, at least my throne is clean!


1 Comment

  1. Denise Johnston

    Remember I’m reading these now. Tirade?

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