Three years ago my Dad passed away. His incredible mind left him years before, and I was lucky on those days when he recognized me. He departed 25 days after my mom died, exhausted from many frustrating years of trying to deal with his Alzheimer’s. It’s poetic that they went together at the age of 92, since they were born just hours apart and married for nearly 70 years. My sister Judy and I read these poems at their respective services:
Eulogy to Dad
Together with Mom,
As it should be.
Someday we’ll reunite,
As a family.
Born one day apart,
She needs you there.
We’ll let you go,
It’s only fair.
We’ll miss you here,
But now we’re free.
It’s clear to me.
They tore down Miles,
Messed with your brain.
But we’ll never forget,
Your memories remain.
You’ll get your keys back,
Have a drink or two.
And one more thing,
No bills are due.
No lawn to mow,
As we used to kid.
I mowed all the time,
Judy thinks she did.
That log we shared,
I don’t ever want back.
Once delivered to me,
In a fed-ex pack.
A giving man,
Without a doubt.
Gave us a home,
When we were without.
Gave us everything,
We could ever need.
And taught Judy and I,
How to succeed.
Hopefully you’re somewhere,
Where the Cubs will win.
World Series Champs,
Again and again.
A place where IU,
Wins a football game.
Where “hamburger” refs,
Aren’t to blame.
I’m sorry that,
We couldn’t agree.
But the White Sox,
Were the team for me.
And in Indian Guides,
I just couldn’t be.
Your “Little Turtle,”
“Straight Arrow “for me.
So Big Turtle,
I’ll say good-bye.
We didn’t always see,
You saved,
So I could spend.
Despite our differences,
You’re my best friend.
All my life,
So proud of you.
My hero,
Oh, so true.
Send Mom my love,
All Grandparents too.
I’ll be here,
There’s mowing to do.
Mike and Judy
Eulogy to Mom
She rests in peace,
She knows no pain.
She’d ask for sunshine,
Not for rain..
She lived to laugh,
And loved us all.
She’d never want,
A tear to fall.
A beauty queen,
Tiny yet strong.
She’d let us know,
When we were wrong.
She wouldn’t cook,
She’d microwave.
She’d make in bulk,
Then freeze and save.
Heat and serve,
Her specialty.
You would laugh,
If you could see.
Her freezer filled,
In orderly rows.
What’s inside,
Each label shows.
Tidy stacks,
Of frozen bits.
Thaw it in,
The bowl it fits.
I Love Lucy,
Her favorite show.
Like the Eveready bunny,
Always on the go.
Simple tastes,
No Rolls Royce.
Milky Way’s and Snickers,
Her meal of choice.
And in the end,
Dad at her side.
Always there,
Beside his bride.
Thanks to Judy,
She got good care.
She’s probably thankful,
I wasn’t there.
One heavenly task,
She’ll have to face.
Being disciplined again,
By Ross and Grace.
Love Always,
Mike and Judy