Today's thoughts

Category: OLD SPORT SHORTS (Page 65 of 68)

An old guy’s perspective on all sports

Old Sport Shorts: My Kind Of Town #156

My wife is working today in Chicago, so I’m doing my retirement thing here in “My Kind of Town.”  The nice thing about retirement is that it can be done from anywhere.  She did seem a bit jealous this morning, as she went one direction to make calls and I went the other for a Diet Coke.  However, I think that today will be considerably easier on her than the past few days of tending to the demands of her 95-year-old mother:  errands, closet cleaning, bank duties, dining, cemetery, wheelchair pushing, and the frustrating efforts to communicate.  We’re both glad to be away from the assisted-living environment that doesn’t exactly exude positive vibes.

Technically, it’s “Date Night,” so she’ll have yet another reason to want to get back home as soon as possible.  We’re going to a White Sox game tonight and  she’d undoubtedly rather “set her hair on fire” than watch baseball and eat hot-dogs.  Only I am looking forward to Date Night this week!  If she had her way, we’d probably be paying top dollar to see Hamilton, or at least go back to Joe’s Stone Crab for seafood and Sancerre.  That’s where we started this journey a few days ago to bring us back home to Indiana.  We did stop by to see the frozen-tongue of Flick stuck to the flagpole from the Christmas Story at the Indiana Welcome Center next door to our hotel.  It’s often the main highlight of these quarterly trips back to visit, if that gives you any idea of the level of excitement sometimes associated with this treks to the Hoosier State.   We’re in a different hotel room every night, up early every morning, and sluggish from our daily intake of fast food.  Not to mention, exhausted from long flights, traffic hassles associated with hours in a rental car, and conversations with her nearly deaf mother, often written on a dry-erase board.  I’m proud to say though that we had no major disagreements, other than where to turn.

My mother-in-law is a big sports fan, although apparently this wasn’t always the case.  It certainly didn’t rub off on her daughters!  We did take her parents to their very first Cubs game at Wrigley Field nearly 18 years ago.  Mark Grace was her favorite player at that time.  It’s probably because of her hearing issues that sports became the focal point of her television viewing after my father-in-law passed away.  She could easily follow games without dealing with closed captioning, and always tuned-in for Cubs games   It’s become a common bond between the two of us, and gives my wife a break during our visits.  We watched them play the Nationals the last couple nights, bemoaning their sluggish first half of the season.   We also were at Wrigley Field for last year’s World Series games 4 and 5, and watched game six from Cleveland with her at the assisted living home.  Honestly, if the Cubs were in town tonight we would have undoubtedly gone to Wrigley Field rather than Guaranteed Rate where the White Sox play.  However, since the Sox are playing the Yankees, the game will definitely bring back many memories. (See post #148: Summer baseball)

I haven’t seen the Yankees play in Chicago since 1960 when my dad took me to a game at original Comiskey Park.  I had just become a fan of the White Sox and their catcher, #10 Sherm Lollar, most likely because they had played in the World Series the previous year.  My had dad actually talked me out of being a Yankees fan that previous year in favor of a team closer to our Indiana home.  He hated the Yankees, but didn’t exactly have the White Sox in mind as my team of choice.  He was a Tigers and Cubs fan, and was hoping that I would follow suit.  Because of his efforts, I was a frustrated baseball fan for 46 years until the White Sox finally won it all.  I could have been an obnoxious Yankee fan, like so many others I’ve known through the years!

Original Comiskey Park and its exploding scoreboard named “The Monster” was right next door to where they built the new Comiskey Park – U.S. Cellular Field .  Just last year it was re-named Guaranteed Rate Field.  My White Sox finally won the World Series in 2005 in the new Comiskey Park, and I had the pleasure of attending a couple of those games. It was the last time I saw a game played there, even though we drive by it all the time on our route to and from Indiana.  Unfortunately, during the last dozen years, the team has been consistently “down,” and many White Sox fans, like myself,  are concerned about the Guaranteed Rate association with the stadium and their logo that consists of a giant red, downward pointed arrow.  Don’t  rub it in!

I return to the field tonight, after 12 years of enjoying season tickets with the Cubs, while struggling to maintain my childhood loyalty to the White Sox.  I’ve attended a couple of “Crosstown Classic” rivalry games at Wrigley in the meantime, so I didn’t totally forget about my allegance.  I’ve also worn my White Sox jersey to a several Mariner’s games up in Seattle, since moving to nearby Portland.  I’ve been to Yankee Stadiums, old and new, several times in the last few decades.  In fact, my wife and I went to see the Yankees and Cleveland play in 1999 in original Yankee Stadium.  We were just dating at the time, so we both made compromises.  Instead of hot dogs we tried Dippin’ Dots for the first time, and between innings some guy told us to “get a room.”   Six years later, as a married couple, we made a second compromise and went to see a Civic Theater presentation of “Damn Yankees,” with a show-stopping performance by the one-and-only Jerry Lewis.  That was probably the best trade-off we ever made between her love of Theater and mine of Baseball.

Ironically. before we started dating, my wife had access to tickets through one of her suppliers, and got me seats to take my ex-father-in-law to a Yankees game in Tampa at Tropicana in 1998.  He was one of those obnoxious Yankee fans, that I could have been just like if it weren’t for my dad.  I saw those “Damn Yankees” beat the Red Sox in 2009 at new Yankee stadium, and repeat the feat against the Rays in 2004 at the old stadium.  In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever watched them lose.  Hopefully, tonight will be the first time they go down in flames, and that my wife won’t set her hair on fire, instead of enjoying the game!

Retirement is not without Hassles: Squish The Fish #151

Florida still ranks as one of our top retirement prospects.  My wife and I are still searching for that ideal “Golden Years” haven, (see post #138: Where to?) and have had several discussions recently about our future options.  It’s not surprising that we both feel a sense of comfort about the state of Florida and its warm beaches. Many Midwest families, where we both are originally from. vacation along the Gulf Coasts of Florida and Alabama every winter.  My grandparents had a retirement mobile home there, and my wife’s parents spent some of their winters at Gulf Shores, Alabama, just beyond the Florida border. My parents spent their retirement years in that same vicinity, along what is fondly referred to as the “Redneck Riviera.”  Likewise my son and his family chose the Florida Gulf and live there now, while his mother’s parents still joke about being some of the original settlers of the Gulf.

If we do end up there eventually, life will have gone full-circle.   As a kid growing up, my parents would pack up the station wagon with the four of us and spend at least one or two weeks in Florida every year crammed like sardines into my grandparents’ glorified trailer.  There were also a couple of times that we thankfully flew into Tampa, spending at least one night in a comfortable motel room rather than the hot metal box that my grandparents called their winter home.  The Florida vacation trend continued with my son, as we’d take our van to Disney World to see Mickey Mouse several times each year and pick up house plants for my ex-wife’s floral business on the way back.  At one time, she and I invested in a Siesta Key condominium with plans to spend more and more time in Florida.  Her parents, both remarried, were also owners in the same complex, and continue to spend at least half of their retirement time there.  Although Siesta Key is world-renowned for it’s crystal-clear water and white sandy beaches, I find the powdery sand, reminiscent of Al Pacino with a straw, sticky and annoying.  It’s drawn to you like a magnet and seems to rub those painful sun-burned spots on your body like sandpaper.  I prefer a grainier sand that’s more prevalent in northern Florida.

My son was particularly fascinated with Florida, specifically Miami.  The Miami Dolphins completed their perfect season two years before he was born, but the team’s popularity persisted throughout his childhood.   The Dolphins won a lot of games as he was growing up, but he never saw them win a Super Bowl.  I don’t think he ever took off his Dan Marino jersey.  He also became a fan of the Miami Hurricanes, Miami Vice, and Miami Beach, and was so excited when I took him to Miami for the first time.  I had business with Levitz Furniture based in Boca Raton.  It was back in the time when clients were actually receptive to meeting you face-to-face, as opposed to the impersonal Skype and e-mail encounters  in today’s business world.  I booked a room at the famous Fountainebleau on Miami Beach, expecting the ultimate in luxury suitable for any Mafioso head. Instead we got construction, including the signature fountain and swimming pool.  Even the beach was under excavation.  It was a noisy mess and a big disappointment.  I found an expensive women’s diamond wristwatch in the room that someone had carelessly left behind.  My first thought was no wonder they could justify the pricey room rates:  Get a dusty room and we’ll give you a free watch!

My current wife of sixteen years, who’s a definite keeper, is still passionate about her career that has taken us from Indiana, to Illinois, to Texas, and finally to Oregon.   Illinois, I should clarify, was definitely more my doing and ultimately my career downfall, but I enjoyed living there as a big fish in a small pond.  She is a beach-lover, and the only sand in Illinois is around Lake Michigan, so it would never have qualified as a retirement possibility.  We did a thoroughly check of  the Texas Gulf beaches and are still in the process of exploring the Oregon coast.  Texas was too hot and the water murky, and Oregon is too cold and windy.   Together we’ve visited Hilton Head, New York City, Savannah, San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Virginia Beach, Tampa, Washington, and New Orleans, just to mention a few beach-front locations.  We’ve compared climates, water clarity, sand quality,  congestion, and prices.  Florida and California are the stand-outs.

I’m headed back to Florida in a few weeks.  One of our Portland disc-jockeys who moved here from Florida, constantly makes fun of the questionable mentality of its residents:  Flori-dah! is her take.  I think it’s just the heat!  Despite this concern, my son and I still plan to attend the M.L.B. All-Star baseball weekend in Miami.  He’ll get to spend a few more days in the city of his dreams, where we also experienced the inaugural game at Marlins Park a few years back.  I was never much of a Miami fan, as is typical with most father-son relationships.  I was hoping that his love of Miami would motivate him to attend college at “The U.”  Instead, he saved me a bunch of money on out-of-state tuition, and all I ever had to buy was that lucky #13 Marino jersey.  As a Chicago Bears fan, living in Indianapolis, home of the Colts, all I recall about the Miami Dolphins was being jealous of their winning ways: “Squish The Fish” was our cheer!

Florida was top-of-mind today for several reasons.  First, it is one of our top retirement choices, more specifically the Northern Florida panhandle, where the humidity isn’t as bad.  The beaches are great for walking, the water turquoise-blue and calm, and the temperatures more tolerable. Secondly, the Cubs are playing the Marlins again today in Miami, hoping for another win.  Finally, the University of Florida is the only other undefeated team in the College World Series, other than our Oregon State Beavers.   As an Oregon resident, I’ve been following the team all season, and plan to watch today as part of “Lunch Day.”  Maybe I should order fish?

Retirement is not without Hassles: Retirement Uniform #150

My retirement uniform consists of blue or gray jeans and a long or short-sleeved Columbia shirt, depending on the weather.  I do have some “fashionable” team socks to go with my standard issue, casual Ecco shoes.  Columbia is based here in Portland so discount prices are prevalent, especially at their employee store.  I go there once or twice a year to stock up on running gear and dry-fit shirts. They’re comfortable  just like retirement.

I don’t pick out clothes the night before as I did during the working years, to be as debonair as possible.  It was an evening ritual that once included ironing, steaming, shoe-shining, and lint removal.  Sunday nights were particularly important, making that transition from the casual weekend to the work week, and it usually involved some planning ahead.   Suits, ties, suspenders, cuff-links, starched French-cuff shirts, pocket scarves, briefs, collar stays, socks, and shoes.  I never wore a t-shirt under my dress shirts, but there was a time when tie-bars and collar-bars were part of the look.  I was one of those Mad Men, perhaps stuck in the past!  It was like putting on an armor suit in preparation for battle.  Without it, my Achilles heel and average IQ would be dangerously exposed.  (see post #74:  Sharp Dressed Man.)

Dry cleaning bills have dropped dramatically in retirement, and I usually try to save on laundry, now exclusively my responsibility, by wearing the same Columbia shirt the next morning to do my run.  The “Running Uniform” also includes a pair of Nike shorts that I bought in quantity at the Nike outlet in Austin.    I see the disappointment in the friendly couple that runs the dry cleaning business in our neighborhood, as I show up every couple of weeks with a half-full or half-empty, depending on your particular perspective, dry cleaning bag.  They see me run by every morning, and I feel a certain responsibility to keep them in business.

Nike, Columbia, Under Armour, Adidas – they’re all now have shoe-design divisions here in Portland to help you with your retirement uniform. Nike owns Converse, and Adidas owns Reebok, while Columbia owns Mountain Hardware.  Mizuno is also expanding.  There are lots of deals on shoes, clothing, and accessories to fit any retirement budget.  This should help keep retirement wardrobes up- to-date, and destroy any misconceptions involving out-of-style Senior fashion.  The only problem is that we’ll all look the same, perhaps sporting different brands on our wrinkled bodies.

When it comes to Date Night and other special occasions, I always try to put on a collared shirt.  This is primarily to avoid criticism from my wife. I don’t really think anyone else cares!  She likes a crisp white shirt and maybe a sport coat, but my look below the belt is typically always the same.   Only on two occasions since abandoning the work force, have I worn a sport coat.  I added the tie only in Paris, but my friends never saw it.  I did put on  a suit and tie for one of my wife’s business events, and fortunately there was no one present that I knew to question my intentions.  She thought I looked handsome and that’s all that matters!  Like a rebel, I did have a pair of Cubs Stance socks hidden underneath my slacks, and helped divert her attention from this atrocity by wearing my polished Ecco business shoes.  After the event, I sent my suit and shirt to the cleaners, even though they didn’t really need it.  Their doors are thankfully still open!

Uniforms define who we are.  In my life, I’ve worn a Cub Scout uniform, band/choir uniform, little-league baseball uniform, softball uniforms, and the aforementioned business uniform.  My parents did buy me a Boy Scout uniform from my Grandmother who ran that particular department at our hometown J.C. Penney store.  However, I’m not sure if I really ever got to wear it!  During our first camp out, as we were making that manly transition from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts, all of us Webelos (abbreviation for WE‘ll Be LOyal Scouts) were gathered around the campfire, as the older scouts told ghost stories.  It was the story of “The Hand,” a tale about an Indian who lost his hand in battle.  His bloody, five-digits were rumored to still crawl about the woods where we were camped for the night.  At the climax of the story, an older scout would reach out and grab the back of a younger scout’s neck.  I think I jumped about ten feet in the air, and feel pretty sure that I had to bury my underwear.  I did use an official Boy Scout shovel! Needless to say, all of us Webelos were scared to death of potential nightmares, and huddled bravely together in one tent.  All of us had our brand new Boy Scout knives and flashlights (from J.C. Penney) posed for any possible attack by “The Hand.”  To this day, I question the mentality of that “experienced” elder who foolishly stuck his arm and hand under the tent to further scare us.  I believe he was stabbed at least 25 times, and screamed until the ambulance finally arrived.  We immediately packed up camp and never had another Boy Scout meeting!  The uniform might have been returned, but the knife was held as evidence.

I was fortunate not to attend a school that required a true uniform.  It probably would have made getting ready easier in the morning, but the thought of wearing the same thing every day would have only added to the boredom of the classroom.  My “College Uniform” was probably similar to my “Retirement Uniform,” except the blue jeans were ripped and patched, and the t-shirt was undoubtedly wrinkled cotton.  The thought reminds me of the Johnny Cash lyrics, “Then I fumbled in my closet through my clothes, And found my cleanest dirty shirt.”  I did brand myself with Sigma Chi Fraternity merchandise and Albion College or Indiana University wear.  Maybe an occasional Elkhart Blue Blazers or Chicago White Sox t-shirt?  There also might have been a Grateful Dead or Humble Pie concert T in the rotation?  I also don’t remember wearing a suit or tie until the job interview process started.

I also never had a job that required a uniform.  I worked for an irrigation company where the full-time employees wore uniforms, but as strictly summer help I was not worthy, and never once felt envious.  Smart ass, stuck-up college kid!  I think it’s important for people who do service work to wear a uniform of identification, especially those who work in and around residential neighborhoods.  Medical professionals wear scrubs, a type of uniform, that are constantly maintained for sanitary purposes.  Scrubs are maybe the most credible type of uniform, perhaps with the exceptions of Police, Fire, and Military uniforms.

I did sell men’s suits, clothing and accessories in Austin, Texas.  The suit and tie that I wore everyday felt like a uniform.  I mention Texas because only lawyers, bankers, and maybe accountants wear suits and ties in that excessive heat.  Selling a suit to a Texan is a lot like selling a refrigerator to an Eskimo (I know I’ve used this unoriginal and overused  analogy before in Post #74).   At least I felt like an attorney or financial expert as I walked to work, but was certainly put in my place as I sold them clothing.  I did have to wear a gold name plate with my name engraved to show that I at least had a few weeks of experience.  It attached magnetically, so as not to disturb the quality of the suit.  I did question the quality of many of the suits that I was charged to unload at a 3 for 1 price.  When I finally got back to a job grade that I felt was slightly above retail, I sold many of these same lawyers and financial experts advertising, and continued to show-off my vast collection of suits and accessories in the process.

I am watching the NBA draft as I’m writing this, and the Philadelphia 76ers just selected Markelle Fultz from the U.W. Huskies as the #1 overall pick.  He was sporting a bow tie and custom suit as he approached the podium to accept his official team hat.  In his interview, he modestly showed-off the appropriate-purple, silk lining of his jacket.  It was tastefully decorated with images from photographs of his family and basketball memories throughout high school and college.  I thought it was very cool step before accepting his 76er uniform that will identify him on the court.  The closest I could come in matching that coat was a jacket that I had custom-made in Hong Kong years ago.  It was a grey silk sport coat with a flashy patterned red silk lining.  I haven’t worn it in years, but can’t yet bear to give it away.  It hangs useless on a hanger in my closet, but ready for my next Halloween event should I choose to wear it inside-out.  I also once owned a corduroy jacket, made in Mexico, with a memorable Spanish designed lining.  It might have looked good with my patchwork-style, bleeding Madras golf pants that I got my Senior year of high school.  They should have only been worn on the golf course!

Most all of the suits and sport coats in my closet were gladly donated to Goodwill, my first stop following retirement.  It felt good to pass them along to those still stuck in the workforce.  Portlandians tend to dress very casually, when in reality they should probably layer-up with the suits and vests still popular in the colder climates.  The uniform here is plaid with a hooded puffy jacket from Columbia.  An umbrella should be part of the uniform, but locals stubbornly refuse to use them.  This Pearl Jam style persists no matter what profession you are in or the event you are attending.  I think that all men have really taken a step-back in appearance, and am still fascinated with the Gatsby era.  It is a pain in the butt to get formally ready in the morning, with a lot of thought put in the night before.  I’ve been there, done that, and never want to do it again!

Old Sport Shorts: Summer Baseball #148

Summer is finally here, and baseball shifts into a higher gear, on this its very first day.  Oregon State, without pitching ace Luke Heimlich, has easily won its first two games of the College World Series.  Heimlich wisely “maneuvered”  himself away from the team to avoid any distractions over his child molestation conviction.   Heimlich, who was originally targeted by some as the number one pick of the draft was not selected by anyone.  I think that pretty much says it all!

The College World Series is a first sign of summer.  It’s when teams need to win or go home.  Oregon State has accomplished their second 22-game win streak this season and are on target to have the highest winning percentage in college baseball history.  The Boys play the winner of Florida State and LSU on Friday for a chance to move into the finals.   I’ll be watching.

The Cubs continue to play sluggish baseball.  The good news is that Addison Russell’s only accusation of Battery today was a lost bat into the stands.  (See post #132) He struck out and so did the Cubs, although Ian Happ continues to hit the long ball despite my early taunts of frustration. (see post #123).  The Mighty Schwarber (post #119) was only Casey-like, grounding out to end the game, and leaving the joyless Wrigleyville fans with an “L” as in Kyle.  They did win this home series against the Padres, but the disappointing sweep in California, the Cubs still have a losing record against the worst team in baseball.  Happ hit a two-run homer in the bottom of the 4th, but his team could not hold on, as Anthony Rizzo’s 13-game hitting streak also came to an end.  The defending World Champion Cubbies are just one game over .500 and a game behind the Brewers in the National League Central.  They are also 8 games out of a possible Wildcard slot, as the Dodgers and Diamondbacks continue to play winning baseball.

At least there were no scandals today and Rizzo didn’t try to run over the opposing catcher (maybe because he didn’t even get on base.)   It was a beautiful day at Wrigley, especially after Happ’s 403 foot drive that fell into the right center field basket.  There was a touching moment of pure joy, as a Cubs fan rescued the ball and got a big hug.  You could see the smiles on both of their faces, as hope for a Cubs sweep was in literally in their hands.

The White Sox are 7 games below .500, as if I see any possible hope for a cross-town World Series rematch.  After all, it hasn’t happened in 111 years.  I plan to see the White Sox play the Yankees next week at Guaranteed Rate Park.  I’ve already seen games there when it was Old Comiskey Park, New Comiskey Park, and U.S. Cellular Park.  The Cubs are on the road, so I’m looking forward to seeing Aaron Judge strike out in Chicago.   Hopefully, it’s not like the last White Sox vs. Yankees game that I saw back in 1960.  White Sox owner, Bill Veeck, had just unveiled his “exploding scoreboard,” and my Dad and I were anxious to see some home-run fireworks.  Unfortunately, the only home runs were hit by the Yankees, and Manager Casey Stengel lit sparklers to taunt us Chicago fans.  It’s only one reason why I hate the Yankees!

Retirement is not without Hassles: Playful Mooood #134

You had to have been there, but my wife and I were having breakfast in a quaint little cafe in a garden setting this morning.  It reminded me of Monet’s Gardens that we had just visited several weeks ago in France.  (See post #86: Inspiration)  We were joking about the chicken coop that was just beyond the outdoor patio area of the restaurant.  Claude Monet also had chickens at Giverny, so the whole glorious day of seeing the colorful flowers and waterlilies surrounding the ponds on his country property was part of our breakfast discussion.  When our farm-fresh eggs and bacon were delivered, I couldn’t help but notice a painting over one of the tables in the cafe.  It was very abstract, almost child-like, but in the center was clearly the head of a cow.  A Moo-net, I asked?

I thought perhaps I could do a whole Moo-net series, should I decide to take up painting or drawing in retirement.  Cows in various settings, maybe even some chickens in the background, could fill my “empty” days, as waterlilies dominated Monet’s.  I think this shows the value of retirement travel in shaping great ideas and keeping the mind sharp.  It also demonstrates that I was in a playful Mooood today, a definite by-product of retirement.  In all seriousness, we did then talk about our next travel adventures, perhaps a better way to spend my idle time.  After all, I never was very good with paint.  There always seemed to be more of it on me than on the actual target, so the Moo-net idea is open to anyone.  Or, is this idea “udder-ly” ridiculous.  I’ll try to think of something else.  Tan Man? (see #99 Beaches).

“Megan Leavey” was a great movie, although the name doesn’t really tell you anything about what the movie is about.  Marketing 101?  It is a true story about a female Marine and her bomb-sniffing canine companion.  It inspired my to write some stories about our dogs (#133 Puppy Love).  Trust me, my dog stories are not movie-worthy, but rather great memories I will treasure forever.  Our dogs would have really been fascinated with those chickens this morning, but sadly they had to stay home because the weather was not cooperating with our plans to do something new.  At least the restaurant, Cornell Cafe, was a first and we picked up a yellow rosebush for the back deck.  It is, after all, Rose Festival time here in Portland.  The opening parade was yesterday, and festivities will continue for the next few weeks.  By the way, it did rain on our parade!

I’m going to get some extra “my time” this week, with my wife’s travels out of town.   We’ll have a birthday to celebrate when she gets back, as she gets closer to Senior Citizen discounts and retirement.  There will be no date night and I will not cook this week, so I’ll need to find new ways to keep track of the days.  I do have some errands to run, a dental appointment, and pet duties, including a trip to the doggie spa. Hopefully the weather will improve and I can enjoy some time in the sun.  I would also like to walk the pups down to Starbucks, so they can fertilize some plants, water the grass, and enjoy a treat once they get there.  The location down the street has been out of my traditional Tranquility Herbal Tea with honey the last couple of weeks, plus the weather has been too sketchy for walking that far.

It’s going to be a good week for sports.  The College World Series will start, the NBA Finals could end with a single Warrior’s victory, the Portland Timbers match up with the Seattle Sounders, the Cubs travel to the Mets, and the Orioles play the White Sox.  I’m also going to have to find a new source for my weekly fitness classes.  The 24 Hour Fitness membership that we bought turned out to not be what we thought, so we cancelled.  I know the folks in the Silver Sneakers program will miss me!

Have a great week!

Old Sport Shorts: Just a game #132

Baseball is just a game!  I have to remind myself of that today. as players that “mean something to me” have let me down.  I can handle it when the errors are made in the field, but it’s those made outside the game that leave the worst taste in my mouth.  I should know by now that the combustible combination of youth, success, status, and wealth often leads to disappointment, and it’s no different in baseball.  These players are human beings not Super Heroes!

I’ve been following the Oregon State Beavers this baseball season, and the success of their pitching staff.  My interest started in their very first game this year when they battled my Indiana Hoosiers to a 1-0 victory.  They went on to win 28 of their first 29 games and continue in the NCAA tournament with a current 20 game win streak.  Fans, including me, in this area were following the team’s success closely, and then the shocking news came out!   Their ace pitcher, Luke Heimlich, is a child molester, and I can’t get the disappointment out of my head.  How does this happen?

The reaction from Oregon State University officials remains non-existent.  How could a college athlete earn a scholarship with this on his record, and how can I even think about watching today’s game?   Is it the train wreck syndrome?  I hope for the sake of his teammates, they are able to overcome this blemish on their success, but the entire season is tainted by one player’s selfishness.  Maybe Vanderbilt will put us all out of our misery, and we won’t have to hear about this for the rest of the College Word Series?  Otherwise, we won’t know if the fans are booing or saying, “Luke?”  Or will it get worse when he’s called in to start in today’s game or a potential elimination game?  What if he even throws one pitch in a critical situation?  I found it ironic that Indiana University just recently led the college nation in adopting a policy banning athletes with a history of sexual or domestic violence, yet the team lost their first game of the season in-part against a pitcher with such a history.

Speaking of domestic violence, the Cubs’ Addison Russell was back in the line-up today after being accused on Social Media of abusing his wife.  Whether it is true or not, it also struck me as disappointing that his name was in the news for anything other than baseball.  I might have even cast-off the ugly accusations as not even possible if it weren’t for the Oregon State situation.  The combination of the two stories took away from my enjoyment of the games today.

It’s hard to understand how great athletes find themselves in troubling situations.  They were given a gift that is too many times taken for granted.  I will give Addison Russell the benefit of the doubt, but I have a much harder time in doing that for Luke Heimlich.  Was he a victim of abuse himself?  His coach, Pat Casey claims that he’ a “good kid.”  Regardless, he needs to distance himself from the team.  Several Major League teams have apparently already drawn the line when it comes to the draft.  If he does get an opportunity to play at the next level, we can only hope that he donates his time and money to supporting women’s, and little girls’ rights!

Baseball, under the grim circumstances, was not a friendly game today.  The underdogs, Sam Houston State and Davidson, fell apart late in their Super Regional games against Florida State and Texas A & M, respectively.  Also, the Cubs are off to a “rocky” start against an ugly Colorado sweep at home, dropping once again below .500 for the year.  They showed some championship-style in the sweep against the Cardinals last week, but their rivals have since proven that they are one of the worst teams in recent franchise history.  To make matters worse, the White Sox can’t get by the Indians in the standings, a team with Cubs’ revenge on their mind.  Off-field problems and poor play take the fun out of the game.  Yes, it’s just a game, but when the game isn’t going your way, it can be a nightmare!

Old Sport Shorts: Making it Happ-en #123

It was a weekend of surprising sweeps.  The White Sox were swept in Detroit – that’s the bad news.  The Brewers swept the Dodgers, to assure their division lead – more bad news.  The best news was was the Cubs sweep over the Cardinals, always worth writing about.  The rest of the day’s round-ball news was not good with both Indiana and Oregon eliminated from the college ranks.  Oregon State added anther bit of good news to the day with a victory over Yale and a big step towards a College World Series appearance.

I started writing this early, hoping not to jinx the team by jumping the gun.  Quite frankly I was satisfied with two wins – three was probably too much to ask.  The Cubbies caused immediate concern, as Kyle Hendricks continued to struggle early in game 3.  He had to hold on to eventually get the lead in the 5th.  Hector Rondon “replaced” him in the 6th and proceeded to allow the two lead runners to reach, followed by a wild pitch and a couple of solid hits.  The Cardinals tied it up.  It was indeed time for him to go, with a runner still in scoring position! Pedro Strop got the call, and cleaned things up for Rondon, before cruising through the 7th to eventually claim the win.

It was Ian Happ who made it all “Happ”- en.  I was not particularly kind to the rookie following back-to-back sweeps on the road (See #116: Ooooo), and began to make fun of his last name. I wrote my next post in an effort to say something positive about Happ (See: #116 Cubs Win). Regardless of the outcome of today’s game, I was determined to recognize Happ’s two home run, five RBI day.  His  timely homers countered Piscotty’s big blast that get things rolling for the Cardinal’s in the fourth inning.  I could really make fun of his name.

I enjoyed listening to David Ross, back in Wrigley following his “Dancing With The Stars.” fame.  He provided some great insight into the team, and was even able to get an interview with Jon Lester.   He than sang “Take Me Out to The Ballgame.”  The guy can sing and dance! Plus, the broadcast team was not confined to the lofty booth, but rather did their commentary  from the bleachers, where they seemed to more on the same level as the fans.

Anthony Rizzo made a base running error and was gunned down by Dexter Fowler, showing another way to haunt the Cubs.  Rizz then singled up the middle and Jason Heyward and Jon Jay did a little haunting of their own, reminding  Cardinals fans that they are now Cubs.  Heyward also made a sliding catch in the first that could have gone for extra bases.  Jay’s single scored Rizzo, with Heyward playing decoy, and the Cubs took a one-run lead, 7-6.  It was all they would need.

Two innings to go and the heart of the Cardinal order due to hit.  Carl Edwards Jr. took the mound in the 8th and immediately got the always dangerous Yadi Molina to ground out, makes a great grab of of Pham hot liner. and strikes out DeJong. Kogi Uehara gets the nod for the save, but has to get by Dexter Fowler after two quick outs.   Fowler strikes out and the Cubs win to claim the first sweep of the Cardinals since September 2010.

Go.  Cubs.  Go.  Fly the “W”

Old Sport Shorts: The Mighty Schwarber #119

Since his return to the Cubs for the 2016 World Series, Kyle Schwarber has taken advantage of spotlight moments.  Despite the leg injury that left him out of the line-up most of last season, he returned just in time for the Big Show, and produced beyond expectations (See post #64:Schwarber at the Bat- for a tribute poem).

In the midst of a slow start this season, he was last seen wearing a leisure suit, (See post #101) and got some Topps attention along with teammate, Anthony Rizzo.  Schwarber started the year for the Cubs in the coveted lead-off slot, but was soon demoted to #2 in favor of Ben Zobrist.  Quite frankly, he’s played like #2!; and has since dropped to the bottom of the line-up, batting ninth today.

In this afternoon’s big game  against the Cardinals, he once again proved his “Might.”  The Cubs were down 3-1 in the bottom of the 7th with two outs.  We had already seen one “miracle,” when John Lester actually threw out Tommy Pham as he pushed his lead-off at first.  Since joining the Cubs in 2015, Lester has been taunted about his reluctance to throw to first.  Pham took a huge lead and the temptation was too much for Lester.  He let it fly!  Out!  It was Lester’s first pick-off since 2015 when he was with the Red Sox.

As Schwarber took the plate against Mike Leake with the bases loaded and two outs, would we see a second “miracle” today?   Both managers briefly hesitated against making a move, and the Mighty Schwarber once again had a Casey-like opportunity.  He did not strike out. The ball traveled into the bleachers over 400 feet away, and gave the Cubs a two-run lead. Schwarber watched it clear the fence, overshadowing his .163 batting average.  The Mighty Schwarber gave the Cubs a “W” and hopefully gave himself a big boost of confidence.  It was his first Major League grand slam, and it couldn’t have come at a better time.

Meanwhile, the White Sox continue to struggle in Detroit, and the Brewers continue to dominate the Dodgers and the NL Central Division.  The Sox are close to dropping into the basement of the AL Central, while also failing to keep pace with their crosstown rivals for that ultimate rematch of 1906.  The Cubs victory gives them a half-game lead over the Cardinals, but still 2 games behind the Brewers.  Could we see a third “miracle” with a Cubs sweep tomorrow night behind Kyle Hendricks?

As a fellow I.U. alumni, Kyle Schwarber is being very, very good to me!



Old Sport Shorts: Big Klu #118

A friend of my just gave me an Indiana University basketball program for a 1945 game against the Minnesota Golden Gophers.  It was six years before I was born, so to find something older than me is always rewarding.  The game itself took place in the war years, so players were lost from the starting line-up to serve our country.  The Hoosiers, were in fact coached by Harry Good, who replaced Branch McCracken on a interim basis the year before, allowing McCracken to serve his duties as a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy.  Coach McCracken, who’s Hurryin’ Hoosiers won the National Championship in 1940, would return to lead the team in 1946.

The 1944-45 season was unremarkable.  The team finished 10-11, 3-9 in the Conference, and did not qualify for post-season action.  They lost eight of their last nine games, including that 48-56 game against the Golden Gophers, following leading scorer Gene Faris departure from the team for his call to military service.  The game program was dated February 3, 1945, my Dad’s 24th birthday, and was distributed to fans during that unfortunate losing streak. My father had graduated from I.U. in 1942 along with my mother who was one-day younger. They married January 5, 1946, two days after the Hoosiers beat Butler 58-47 as part of an eight game winning streak in the final year of Harry Good’s tenure as interim coach.

There wasn’t much documented about the 1944-45 Minnesota Golden Gophers.  They were coached for that single season by Weston Mitchell and finished the year at 8-13, including a loss to the Hurryin’ Hoosiers just prior to the long losing streak.  I.U.’s Ray Brandenburg hit a last-second shot for that 48-46 victory.  James Copeland, from my mom’s hometown of Elwood, Indiana, had 11 points to go with Brandenburg’s 10, and Gene Faris, in his last I.U. game until he returned from war duty in 1947, led the Hoosiers with 13 points.

In my opinion, the real story of the 1944-45 Hurryin’ Hoosiers was a bench player by the name of Ted Kluszewski.  He was a 6’2″ freshman that year from Argos, Illinois and only played in two games.  Kluszewski excelled in football and baseball at I.U.  He probably joined the basketball team as a result of the attrition of players due to the war.  The war affected his life in a positive way, as travel restrictions forced the Cincinnati Reds, who traditionally held spring training in Tampa, Florida, to train at Indiana from 1943-45.  Kluszewski’s batting power drew the attention of Reds’ groundskeeper Matty Schwab and eventually team scouts offered him a contract.  Kluszewski hit .443 for the I.U. baseball team in 1945 and was a football star on the 9-0-1 team, where he earned first-team Big Ten honors as an End. The team finished 4th in the final AP poll, just behind National Champion Army.  Football kept Ted at I.U. until his graduation in 1946.  By 1948, he was the Reds’ starting first baseman, where in a controversial move, he cut off the sleeves of his uniform to accommodate his massive shoulders and biceps.

“Big Klu” was a career .298 hitter with 279 home runs and 1,028 RBI in 1,718 games over 15 years.  In ten of those years, he walked more often than he struck out, and during the 1955 season he hit 47 home runs and only struck out 40 times, a feat no one has yet to duplicate. He left the Reds in 1957, then played 100 games for the Pittsburgh Pirates, and traded to the Chicago White Sox at the end of the 1959 season, who were in a close pennant race.

He joined the “Go-Go” Sox in August of 1959 and powered them to the American League crown.  In the first game of the World Series against the Dodgers, he hit two home runs and drove in five for an 11-0 White Sox rout.  He ended up hitting .391 in the series with 3 HR and 10 RBI, and earned three 1960 Ford Falcons from Jim Moran, a Chicago automobile dealer.  Kluszewski also achieved notoriety in having his name misspelled on the back of Bill Veek’s ground-breaking innovation to baseball jerseys.  When Major League Baseball expanded in 1960, he was left unprotected and traded to the Los Angeles Angels for his final season.  He died at age 63, after retiring as a Reds’ hitting coach.

The 1959 “Go-Go” Sox also featured my first baseball hero, Sherm Lollar.  Sherm had a home run in game 4 of the series, the only other White Sox victory.  Kluszewski’s third homer came in game 6, but the Dodgers prevailed to take the World Series.  The “Big Klu” and Sherm Lollar connection is what makes the I.U. basketball program a special part of my collection.  It also brings the two sports, basketball and football, together for a brief moment in history; and recognizes my dad’s birthday that he probably celebrated serving our country.

Old Sport Shorts: Cubs win..Cubs win…#116

It’s always worth a celebration when the Cubs beat the evil Cardinals, especially following the disappointment of six consecutive losses in California.  There was no sign of a leisure suit at Wrigley Field this afternoon.  I’ve been pretty hard on the Cubs the past couple of posts (Old Sport Shorts: #98 and #101) and especially on the rookie, Ian Happ. Happ did get a hit today in the 3-2 Cubs victory.  I’m Happ-y for him!

Dexter Fowler was presented with his World Series ring in a ceremony prior to the game, and then proceeded to hit a home run in his first at bat against John Lackey.  It was only one of two hits off Lackey.  The Cardinals scored again in the second for a 2-0 lead, but it turned out to be their final run of the afternoon.  Lackey pitched well, but Strop got the win after Rizzo scored in the bottom of the 8th on Heyward’s sacrifice.  Wade Davis shut down the Cardinals in the 9th for the save. The Mighty Schwarber still continues to struggle (see post #64)

The bleeding has finally stopped, and hopefully the Cubs can continue their momentum.  They need to sweep this series to solidify their wavering dominance over their rival and claim the top spot in the division.  The leading Brewers match up against the Dodgers this weekend, so a couple more Cubs wins could seal the deal.

The White Sox just fell behind the Tigers in the first inning of their series opener.  I’m still hoping for a rematch of the 1906 World Series.  Ty Cobb and the Tigers were on the short end of the back-to-back Cub Championships of 1907 and 1908.  It was a long time ago, I know, but after last year’s Cubs World Series victory, anything is possible!

Cubs win….Cubs win….Fly the W

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