This poem came about while just having some fun with words that sound alike but are spelled differently – homophones. It’s a tribute to the noses of Tinker and Tally, our two schnauzer pups. (The nose knows.)

Good Scents and Sense

Are homophones.
They go together,
Like dogs and bones.

To humans like us,
Things make good SENSE,
But to our furry friends,
Only smells make SCENTS.

It made good SENSE,
As one became two.
So our lonely dog,
Had something to do.

Adoption took place,
And two became one.
To share the SCENTS,
And join the fun.

Someone to sniff,
A Second tail.
Without fresh smells,
Good SCENTS go stale.

The pups next door,
Make good SCENTS.
To our dogs,
Must smell like mints.

Then one day,
The sky turned gray.
And the rain washed,
The SCENTS away.

It now made SENSE,
To Spread new SCENTS.
Lots of fragrance,
To dispense.

All dogs love odors,
And have crude taste.
Going to Waste.

That’s why God,
Put dogs on earth,
So they could get,
Their Two SCENTS worth.

Copyright 2019

Author note: Just like Rights or Writes?