Could something as simple as switching from Tylenol to Advil be the temporary solution for my sciatica pain? For two out of three days since making the change, I’ve been able to maneuver relatively comfortably with the dogs in the morning. I also haven’t gone directly from bed to the freezer for an icepack. Now granted, other changes have been made in my routine, like keeping my left leg straight in bed rather than curling into a ball and staying off soft cushioned stairs to provide more lower back support. The combination seems to be working. This morning, I will deliver a disc with my MRI results to the chiropractor, while my physician supposedly received them directly over the weekend. They will both analyze the results and prescribe treatment in the next few days. 

I’ll continue to do my fitness center routine, that has also been modified over the weekend to include mile-long walks back to the house from the workout. In the past, the walks have been longer, up to two miles, but with the support of treadmill rails or the dog buggy, relieving pressure off my back.  The problem seems to stem from the base of my spine and then along my left side, moving from upper thigh to calf to toes. There’s obviously a pinched nerve somewhere!

The other hassle I’ve been dealing with this weekend is the timer on my landscaping lights. I’ve had a repairman out on several occasions. We replaced lights and made adjustments, but the timer clock that’s set to turn on the lights at dusk gets stuck at midnight, so they never shut off. Before I have him install a costly new timer, I’ve reset the system this morning to shut-off just before midnight to see if that helps resolve the issue. It’s always something!

We loaded up on Costco items this weekend to earn a $50 savings card. The new store is just down the street. As a result, there’s now enough shampoo in the house to last until at least 2017. It was simply a matter of spending money to make money. I also shampooed our outdoor furniture over the last few days because of all the construction dirt from the addition behind us. This project ensued because both dogs were having diarrhea, so I had to haul out the carpet/upholstery cleaner to handle both issues. 

We even had a hassle for “Date Night” this week, stopping at three different restaurants before we found one open or willing to serve us. We ended up at the Lighthouse Grill on Lemon Bay and enjoyed a beautiful sunset and some BBQ, so it all worked out. The night before we dined at Dockside with friends.  We then finished Season 1 of Bad Sisters, while I watched football and baseball the rest of the weekend. 

Today, I need to stop by Eyeglass World for the fourth time to resolve my on-going prescription hassle, and then create a new hassle by setting an appointment at Xfinity to upgrade my phone. I also have to do a late night pick-up of my son from the St. Pete/Clearwater Airport, so I hope his flight goes smoothly. All in all, retirement life does not run exactly like clockwork!