The evidence of Christmas Day is gone. Wrapping paper, empty boxes, bottles, cans, and cards have been recycled. The duck bones and remnants of the meal are on their way to the dump, with a few leftovers in the refrigerator. It’s so nice to once again have a working fridge in the kitchen. We no longer have to go to the garage now that it has finally been repaired – all the modern conveniences of home.
Gift giving was at a minimum this year after our trip to Kauai. I got a pair of socks and a new Kindle. Traditionally, I get my wife a Limoges Box each year and write a poem that’s stored inside. A porcelain cupcake was under the tree with a personal tribute to the pet-name I gave her many years ago – “Sweetie Pie”:
Tis the Season,
For candied scents,
Sugar Plums,
And Peppermints.
Pumpkin Bars,
Christmas cheer.
Gooey treats,
From the Chocolatier.
Slice of Key Lime,
Jamocha shake.
Recipes shared,
Goodies to bake.
Schweddy Balls,
Gum drops.
Peanut Brittle,
Lolly pops.
Cookie Monster’s,
Resistance weak.
Means dental care,
Early next week.
Let’s ice the cake,
And make Nazook.
Lick the bowl,
And kiss the cook.
These are a few,
Of my favorite things.
Outside of pizza,
And Wild Wings.
But the best of all,
Is Sweetie Pie.
Cupcake goodness,
Only mine to try.
Copyright 2022
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