Giving a pint of blood less than nineteen hours ago certainly didn’t help my endurance this morning. My times were slow and my legs rubbery. When I got to the pool afterwards, my legs were too weak to push off. After the fact, I can no longer feel the strain that nearly caused me to quit. Yet, I managed to push on and finish the 3.1 mile trek that jump starts my day – every day. Today I’m proud to say was 4,590 consecutive efforts, without a miss. The temperature was eighty degrees with 94% humidity to add to the challenge.
I’m watching the opening ceremonies of the 2020 Olympics from Tokyo – a year late due to the pandemic. I can only imagine the disappointment these athletes felt in facing this delay. They were mentally and physically prepared a year ago yet persevered through rigorous training for another year to finally get to this day. Some of their teammates failed while others got a renewed opportunity with more time to train. I was fortunate to see some of them qualify at the University of Oregon in the track and field events a month ago.
We’re having our guest room bed delivered this morning in anticipation of upcoming visitors. The vanity is still under repair from the move and we’ve been reimbursed for the broken lamps. Soon, the room will be ready for company. We’ll treat them to events like I’m headed to this afternoon at the neighborhood stadium – Braves vs. Rays rookie ball or a day at the beach. We’re nearly ready – bring on the hordes!
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