“Kidneys are the Coolest” is the slogan for everybodypees.org. OK, maybe it’s not a real website or lost funding, because the link no longer exists. The point is that it’s a natural thing and certainly worthy of a little toilet humor. I’ve gotten carried away with bladder poetry, but challenged myself to write just one more after the phrase “it’s a pisser” came up in recent conversation with my friends. An unfriendly bladder is undoubtedly my biggest hassle in retirement. As a result, here’s another entry in the “of questionable bad taste” category:
It’s A Pisser
My bladder’s heavy,
I need relief.
Just not AGAIN,
Oh, Good Grief!
Every two hours,
Nature calls.
A little dribble,
Not Niagara Falls.
The shut-off’s missing,
Inside my weenie.
I seem to be taking,
To perpetual pee.
It’s my aging,
Urinary tract.
Non-stop action,
Like a NASCAR track.
Seems more comes OUT,
Than what GOES IN.
Excuse me please,
Need to go AGAIN.
Perhaps a clothespin,
Might stop this leak?
Relief from relief,
Is all I seek.
It’s a Pisser,
Being like me.
To carry around,
This much pee.
It’s a Pisser,
But what to do?
At least it’s not,
Number TWO.
Copyright 2020 johnstonwrites.com
I’ve been waiting for this little ditty…maybe I’ll set it to music.
Thanks, Rog – it could hit #2 on the charts!