I’ll try not to harp on my medical woes or aging body like I did on yesterday’s post. They are, however, part of the retirement hassles that everyone deals with in life. I’m just fortunate that nothing is seriously wrong – fingers crossed (See Post #1329). It’s St. Patrick’s Day, so I wore bright green on my morning run. We have little planned except for an outdoor choir performance by Encore. Maybe they will sing, “Irish Eyes are Smiling?’ Tomorrow night we’re back to having guests for dinner.
We’ve been invited to cruise the Bay on our neighbor’s boat. I didn’t even know that he owned one, but he has a decal on his truck that reads, “Tangled Up in Blue,” a Bob Dylan classic. It apparently means stuck to the same girl – is it his wife or his boat? I know from experience that the best two moments of boat ownership are the day you buy it and the day you sell it. My wife has been anxious to find someone with a boat since we’ve moved to Florida and finally, she has succeeded.
The NCAA tourney goes into the second day, after several upsets busted my bracket yesterday. I can only hope that Indiana does not fall into the same trap later tonight. These lower seeds have something to prove – just ask No. 2 seed Arizona and No. 4 Virginia – their seasons are over no thanks to No. 15 Princeton and No. 13 Furman.
I tried to give blood yesterday, as I have on many other occasions. For some odd reason, my iron count was too low to donate Double Red Cells, so I had to settle for Whole. However, after struggling to find a vein and bruising my skin significantly, the nurse couldn’t get my blood to properly flow. She was about to stick me in the other arm, when I decided to wait for the next Bloodmobile visit to our community. I still don’t know if it was operator error or simply another sign of old age.
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