We’re off to see “Wonder Woman,” another D.C. Super Hero.  The character first appeared in All Star Comics #8, dating back to October of 1941.  She’s now 76 years old and should have been collecting Social Security at least 10 years ago, however Gal Gadot makes her look pretty good in the film.

As my memory gets more and more foggy each year, I was reminded of the phrase, “the older you get, the better you were.”  What that means is that in your mind, you could have been a Super Hero – and who today would question your super powers from years ago?

Most all of my accomplishments were in the pre-computer days, so I could be as fast, strong, or smart as my resume claims that I am.  It just doesn’t matter any more does it?

Here’s my poetic take on it:


Super Hero

The older you get,

The faster time goes.

Anyone who’s been there,

And done that…knows.


Many a decision,

Is made on the spot.

You just have to know,

When to take your shot.


Don’t hesitate,

Bask in the sun.

Take it in now,

Have some fun.


From the moment you’re born,

Until your last day.

Don’t let “I can’t,”

Get in your way.


Time will fly by,

Middle age will pass.

Make some memories,

Get off your ass.


Cause when you get older,

You’ll start to reminisce.

And you’ll be sorry,

For chances you miss.


Just go out and do it,

Grab the brass ring.

Then you’ll never regret,

Having missed a thing.


Sometimes success,

But often you’ll fail.

And you’ll try to recall,

Every detail.


But if you miss out,

It won’t really matter.

Your memory fades,

As you grow fatter.


The older you get,

The better you were.

Your flaws from the past,

Become a big blur.


You were faster,

Sexier and stronger.

So Much Braver,

And lasted longer.


A Bronze God

Our Super Hero.

When you really,

Were a big ZERO.


So you stretch the truth,

Exaggerate a bit.

When you struck out,

It’s now a hit.


The older you get,

The better you were.

You were the best,

You remember, for sure.


You made more money,

Drove fancier cars.

Where there was darkness,

You now see stars.


You’ve seen the sights,

Even if not.

You don’t know it all,

But you know a lot.


The older you get,

The better you were.

Did it happen like that?

You’re really not sure.


And that’s the beauty,

Of growing old.

No one can counter,

White lies that you’ve told.


copyright 2010
