About 5 weeks ago, I posted a list of things that needed to be changed in making the transition from condo to apartment. (See Post #1052). I’m in the process of crossing off the final items on that extensive list, as we finally settle in to our new (temporary) digs. It was full of all kinds of hassles, including the hiring of a bad moving company. My bad – it turned out to be Two Guys, Two Kids, and a U-Haul. I admit that I tried to cut some cost corners, but these were not the professionals that I expected. We’re accustomed to the services of more experienced, long-distance, corporate haulers. These highly-reputable companies packed and moved us from Indiana to Illinois to Texas to Oregon at company expense. This recent move (#31 in my lifetime) was entirely on our dime.
Last night we got to sit in our new living room and watch our new big-screen TV. Instead of another episode of The Sopranos, we chose the on-demand movie Yesterday. I got a free coupon after dealing with major Comcast hassles, since the service tech apparently couldn’t get into our apartment building. They claimed no one was home, while I patiently waited the entire two-hour window. I then got caught in their frustrating automated phone web – finally getting human assistance. We’ll try waiting again today, after my scheduled Leadership Luncheon – the most important part of my retirement week – is over.
For most people, it’s Friday and the beginning of the weekend. For me, it’s just another glorious day of retirement. With my wife also not working, it’s even easier to get lost on what day it actually is. We have no upcoming plans until Thanksgiving, so I plan to settle into being an apartment-body (formerly homebody). There’s even less to do an apartment than in a condo, since I can now even call maintenance for indoor issues instead of just outdoor. There’s also no longer trash to take out on Sunday nights. It was the only way I knew that the work week was starting, so now the weekend will seamlessly bleed into the week, leaving me one less clue as to what day it is? Apartment life within walking distance of most necessities, although a pricey luxury, certainly takes a lot of the hassle out of housing.
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