Travel Madness is finally here. Our new luggage just arrived last evening, so we’ll be doing some last minute crammin’ and jammin’ this morning. We’ll probably have to pay for that third suitcase, plus a carry-on. The ten hour flight starts this afternoon, and when we touch down in Amsterdam it will be St. Patrick’s Day morning. We’ll head immediately to the Green Light District, on any other day Red, before our Anne Frank House tour. While we’re in the air, the NCAA basketball tournament will conclude its first round of action without me. With yesterday’s Leadership Meeting, I did watch some of the games, but found I have relatively little interest. In fact, there’s a sense of bitterness that my team isn’t playing again this year. It’s a good time to leave the country.

My wife had an appointment this morning and when she gets back home we’ll take the dogs on a final walk/run. As always, we’ll have a sitter staying at the house to watch them. They’re already suspicious, watching us scramble about making last minute preparations. Tinker, in particular, gives us the “hairy eyeball” of resentment. I’m glad she can’t talk (see Post #448), because her body language says enough. Tally, on the other hand, will be excited for the extra walks she’ll get from the youthful sitter.

When we get back, I’m planning another ski trip to Mt. Hood and will look forward to our 17th wedding anniversary in Santa Monica, one last stop on Route 66 this birthday year. (See Post #235). It will take a few weeks of “homebody” routine to recover from the next few weeks of Travel Madness. Tight schedules, confined quarters, heavy spending, and potential seasickness loom ahead. “There’s no place like home,” but seeing the world is a retirement requirement.