Last Monday, six days ago, we set sail from Dutch Harbour, Alaska and haven’t been on solid ground since. We have another full day to go before we reach Kauai. It’s the longest stretch of my life at sea that will probably never be matched. I’ve been bobbing and weaving my way around the ship to the point where the outside muscles in my legs are sore trying to maintain balance. The treadmill has been another story of holding on while battling ocean swells. At the same time, the Pacific Ocean looks peacefully blue with no sign of land on either side. Fuel and food storage have I’m sure been a challenge for crew members, as none of us expected a month ago that we would be at sea this long. Initially, stops were scheduled for Russia and Japan. Those that aren’t debarking in Hawaii will go on to Australia for another long stretch of ocean travel. No one signed up for this level of torture.
A week from now, we’ll be home with only faint memories of this excursion that got me to my 49th of 50 states. I mentioned my need for a live sports fix in yesterday’s post, but it will also be over a month without my regular TV habits like House of the Dragon and Sons of Anarchy that I left behind on this journey. I’ll have a lot of catching up to do, and some maintenance to perform on our Ian damaged property. We don’t know yet all that we missed, like the fact that our neighbor just reported that the power never returned on our main refrigerator even after reactivating the breaker.
There isn’t much new to report on activity other than night after night of fine dining, wine & whiskey tastings, movies, lounge shows, and chocolate, but not much in the way of fresh air or sunshine. However, I’m now witnessing a blue-sky day with white puffy skies and smooth sailing, for once, as we near a full week at Sea.
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