Not everyone can be upbeat all the time, and not all poetry can be humorous. I heard these words from Imagine Dragons on the radio several years ago, and it made me think about the powerful force of gravity.

My love
Gravity won’t stop us from taking off
And if we get lost
Galaxies apart
Gravity won’t stop us from taking off
And if we get caught

Trapped inside the dark”

In the case of these song lyrics, “gravity” can’t stop love or even keep lovers apart. Love is the strongest force of all and these words are a beautiful tribute to this power. In my notes, I wrote down the phrase, “gravity can’t keep me down,” and left this kernel of an idea untouched for some time. Through the years, depending on my mood, I’ve added to the poem, content with knowing that I would finish it some day. There are hundreds of these thoughts written in the One Note document that I can pull up on my smart phone when I have time to expand on the kernel and make it pop. (See Post #595). Even though I finished this one today, it does not necessarily reflect my present state of mind. In fact, it turned out rather dark, considering that most of my work tends to be humorous and on the lighter side. Maybe too much Game of Thrones drama? I would interpret it to be the dying words of a brave warrior consoling his lover. Maybe someday they could be repeated over and over like most songs we hear?


Can’t keep me down,
Or prevent my rising.
It’s very clear.
There’s no disguising.

I’ve been holding on,
Trying to wait.
But I’m in,
A dying state

I’ve served my time,
For the greater good.
I’ve done everything,
That I possibly could.

But it’s time to go,
I’m ready to fly.
I’m bound for heaven,
No reason to cry.

Not even gravity,
Can keep me down.
Just look up,
No need to frown.

Copyright 2019