What do you do on a “Matinee Monday” when you have free movie passes but there’s nothing new to see? You go to something like Suicide Squad! It’s another day of not being in Tahoe, so we’ll somehow make the best of it. Run. Swim. Blog. Word Puzzle. Chiropractor. Movie. My wife is currently at the dog park, getting the full scoop on neighborhood gossip, She’ll then water walk and find out more. We’ll have lunch together so I will know everything she knows and mark my calendar with the plans she’s made.
Retirement can get a bit tedious, as indicative of this blog. Day after day of the same, unable to distinguish one from the other. Today, however, we start fresh on trash, go meatless, and I will call my sister. It’s the start of Monday Night Football, and my son and I can potentially pull out a come-from-behind Fantasy win. Tomorrow, we’ll have clean sheets and our new patio furniture will be delivered after months of waiting. Wednesday my second Ring camera arrives to keep a watchful eye on the back of our house. Thursday I babysit for a few hours with my granddaughter and give blood. Friday we’ll go sightseeing or to the beach because we were too busy to do those things on “Tourist Thursday.” It will be the weekend before we know it.
All my baseball cards got sorted while watching games the past few days. The Sox split while the Cubs lost…IU football won, so did the Ducks, a big win over Ohio State…Da’ Bears were drubbed, as were the Colts. College basketball will start in just a few short weeks, as will the baseball playoffs. The entire family will be in Pittsburg for the last week of the regular season to see the “New” Cubs finish a tough year, after a majority of their lineup was traded away. It’s the only out-of-state travel we have planned yet this year before the house guests start to arrive in October. We’ll be ready with an expanded driveway and patio furniture, along with new lamps, mirrors, and wall hangings. I’ll stop before I keep rambling on!
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