Today's thoughts

Author: mikeljohnston1 (Page 31 of 268)

Retirement is not without Hassles: Gasparilla #2371

It’s a retirement Friday, so a better day of the week is simply not possible. Yesterday, we took Tourist Thursday to Gasparilla Island and Boca Grande. It’s rumored to be the location of a yet to be recovered pirate’s treasure, adding to its lore. It reminded us of Key West but less than an hour away. The island was once served by a railroad, but a $6 toll bridge is now the only access. Another $2 for parking and you’re good for a day on the pristine beaches, so also suitable for a beach bum’s retirement budget. We packed a picnic but there are numerous lunch spots, bars, and a huge hotel. It will be a future “Date Night” destination, if not a getaway weekend.

“Toes in the water, ass in the sand,” as Jimmy Buffett would describe our afternoon. It rained on the way home, prior to our dinner at Chili’s and a visit with my manager son. It seemed appropriate to order a cheeseburger after a sunny afternoon in “paradise.” We are so close to many great beaches but don’t probably get there often enough. Sand is like paint for me – can’t get near it without getting it all over me. It’s a magnetic attraction and annoying to remove while spreading to the car, garage, and bathroom. I left the beach a bit sunburned and gritty.

Tonight is “Date Night,” and our choice is the Snowbird Grille. One of the rules is it has to be a place that we’ve never been to before. It will be wise to dine there while the Snowbirds are away before the area swells again in size, traffic becomes a nightmare, and the restaurants get packed. We have about a month before they begin to return from their northern lake cottages. Our Islandwalk neighborhood remains abandoned and quiet like the relatively uninhabited area beaches such as Gasparilla Island State Park



Retirement is not without Hassles: Old Legs #2370

The clock has struck August, so hopefully the heat will slowly begin to dissipate. This morning was steamy with threats of light rain, so the dampness of my shirt was more due to the showers rather than sweat. I was disturbed to find that the older, slowest runner in the neighborhood passed me by on his way to what he said was another 10-miler, “unless there is lightening and then I will call my wife.” I tried to speed up but couldn’t, caught in slow motion. Like molasses, quicksand, or moving with a piano strapped to my back. At that moment, I felt very old and ready to abandon this silly streak now at 5,329 consecutive days after today’s 2.1 miles. Soon after, for some reason, he ducked into the fitness center while I continued on. A small victory? When I finished, I checked my time – 14:30 for that mile – slow but not as lead footed as I thought. 

Apparently, I was looking in the mirror at an awkward, shuffling old man on his last sporting legs. I’m no longer a spring chicken, approaching my 72nd birthday at the end of this month. Should I invest in another pair of running shoes? I guess that I will somehow continue to do this until my spindly members won’t move anymore. Two friends of mine are recovering from knee and hip replacements, so I’m fortunate to still be standing. Running is a bonus, regardless of speed. Plus, I’ve seen a lot worse looking stems at the beach. I guess I’ll keep on stumbling along. 

I’ve been reading the book, The Maid, and found that it has somehow given me a new perspective on cleaning. Despite its silly plot, in the past couple of days, I’ve repainted some of our doors, refurbished the golf cart leather seats, scrubbed some floors, and taken a little more pride in taking care of our home. Few books have had that kind of impact. I’ve also been watching the Break Point documentary on Netflix, but it has not inspired me to play tennis, racquetball, or pickle ball. I did learn that the brand new V-neck Nike “running” shirt that I was wearing this morning is actually tennis clothing with the Rafael Nadel “Raging Bull” logo. Perhaps it was designed for making sharp cuts rather than distance running and this was what slowed me down this morning – not my old legs!



Retirement is not without Hassles: Cold Showers #2369

Growing up, I could never get enough hot water in the shower. I think it had to do with hormones. In retirement, hormones are probably no longer a factor and my chiropractor suggested taking more cold showers to improve alertness and stimulating the nervous system. My first thought was hot woman -cold shower. However, in a 55-plus community, hot is a relative term. 

A cold shower certainly makes sense in dealing with the Florida heat and saving on electricity. I’ve decided to give it a try and find it to be quite refreshing. Without the suggestion, I probably would have continued to turn up the heat. Habits are hard to break. I also prefer a cold pool, but my wife differs (even though she’s always hot!) We keep our pool heater at 85-degrees, and it rarely operates during the summer months.  I’ve also always enjoyed a hot sauna followed by a quick dip in icy water. To each their own!

Once again, I was a sweaty mess after this morning’s run and couldn’t wait to get in the pool. I then did a painting project between dips, along with some reading, and didn’t get my cold shower in until late afternoon. In retirement, particularly on hot days, there’s no rush anymore, since every time you step outside it’s a steam bath. Instant sweat! It won’t cool down until after dinner and our nightly golf cart trek. Current thinking: hot day – cold shower. 

Retirement is not without Hassles: Weeble Wobble #2368

I’m experiencing a bit of jet lag this morning after a restless night of sleep. Yesterday, I was a bit sluggish but able to get up on time and run a full 2.1 miles. Last night, I was constantly up and down, getting rid of a lot of retained fluid, particularly noticeable in my swollen ankles, hopefully shedding the five pounds I gained in Portland. I then slept beyond my usual wake-up time and consequently faced 82-degree weather, still adapting from the cooler Northwest temperatures. At least, I got to wear jeans for the first time in a while. Needless to say in the heat, I only completed the minimum mile (1.25) required to maintain my running streak – now at 5,325 consecutive days. 

I will undoubtedly slip into an afternoon nap before we do our sunset sail this evening. We’ll have dinner at the Laishley Crab House on our way to the Punta Gorda marina where we will board the boat. Tally, our aging schnauzer, will have to miss out on her evening golf cart ride, just as I failed to get her out this morning in a timely manner. 

Having been on airplanes this past week, I’m even less steady on my feet. I’m sure that being on a boat tonight certainly won’t help with stability. One of the big issues I’m facing in old age is balance. This is particularly noticeable when I’m running. I too often feel like a Weeble, wobbling along like I’m drunk. 

According to Wikipedia, “Weebles is a range of children’s roly-poly toys that originated in 1971 by the US toy company Playskool. They are egg-shaped, so tipping one causes a weight located at the bottom-center to be raised. Once released, the Weeble is restored by gravity to an upright position. Weebles have been designed with a variety of shapes, including some designed to look like people or animals.”

“The catchphrase “Weebles wobble, but they don’t fall down” was used in advertising during their rise in popularity in the 1970s and during successive relaunches in the early 2000s. The line was coined by advertising executive Walter Cohen at Benton & Bowles when he and his partner Bernard Most were assigned to the account in 1971. The pair (as the creative team Bernie & Walter) used the phrase when they created the first TV commercials for the new product.”

It’s been a long time since I’ve tripped or fallen on a run. The last time was in Portland about 5-years-ago when I stumbled over some uneven pavement and skinned up my knees. Here in Florida, my course is very flat and smooth, so dehydration is the biggest enemy. I start every run with a mouthful of water that gets swallowed after the first turn. My shirt is soaked after the first mile. I’ve also cut back on my mileage, totaling only about 65-miles in July, compared with 97 in June. The heat is getting to me, as this old man comically wobbles along. 

Retirement is not without Hassles: Retirement Requirement #2367

Most of my friends welcomed retirement, but some people just don’t ever want to stop. They either don’t know what to do after leaving the workforce or they can’t come up with another excuse for avoiding social engagements. This particular friend deliberated for years about retirement and finally reluctantly pulled the plug. She was a co-worker of mine in the radio business, went onto Indianapolis print publications like Hot Potato Magazine and the IBJ, started her own health food store called The Good Stuff, and ultimately went on the road for years selling natural foods, vitamins, supplements, and other health related products. Her older husband was a popular Indy DJ, voice talent, and race car owner. Our mutual friend, Peter, and I send her a friendly bird when we get together without her. She is the second friend to have requested a poem in the last month. Here was my response: 

Retirement Requirement 

You were a Hot Potato,

And had the Good Stuff.

But now you think,

You’ve had enough.


Plus, radio and racing,

Have been very good to you.

It’s time for retirement,

And little required to do.


You married a DJ,

But really your job.

And you became,

A health-food snob.


Vitamins and minerals,

Became your passion.

And whatever nutrients,

Happened to be in fashion.


You were a pusher,

Of veggies and fish oil.

To the Organic cause,

You’ve remained loyal.


Your health gig is up,

You’re on your own.

No more meetings,

Or sales by phone.


No more alarm clock,

Forget the Vegas show.

Now your email message,

Reads forever OOO.


If you get on a plane,

It should be for fun.

But mostly just enjoy,

The Cambria sun.


Long walks with Tashi,

Time alone with Griff.

Supplement those supplements,

Or your joints will get stiff.


Here’s to Alice’s Restaurant,

WKRP reruns, too!

Turkey and Tequila,

Happy Trails to you.


A long finger salute,

From Peter and I.

It’s just retirement,

Not a last goodbye.

Copyright 2023

Retirement is not without Hassles: Back Home Again in Portland #2366

During this recent trip to Portland, we faced a second not so glamorous stay at Tillamook’s Shilo Inn at a rip-off rate of $250/night, adapting to no stoppers in the sinks or tub. With limited parking near the Oceanside Community Center where the wedding ceremony was held, we decided to get there early and have lunch at the familiar Blue Agate Café. Vows were then done outdoors under blue skies overlooking the Pacific. It was a gorgeous day! 

Once all our wedding obligations were concluded and farewells addressed to my lifelong friends, I made my way back to the Portland International Airport rental facility, returned the car, hopped on the Max Light Rail for dinner with my family at Thai Bloom in Beaverton, and eventually making the drive back to our Portland Murphy bed. 

Lunches at Golden Valley Brewery and The Thirsty Lion, along with dinner at Apizza Scholls continued to fuel my daily runs on the Jackson Middle School track, through the streets of Tillamook, and finally around the Portland Airport waiting area. With the four hour delay of our flight to New York, I waited for a new day, until just after the clock struck midnight, to get this last mile legitimately on the books, extending The Streak to 5,323 consecutive, knowing that I no longer had time at JFK with the long delays. 

It turned out to be a pricey week in the Northwest. All the flights were miserable, tolerating long delays, middle seats, and red eyes. Six nights in a strange bed, followed by a sleepless one on the plane led to swollen feet, sore muscles, and stiff joints. Another three hours were spent in route to the airport plus an additional five hours of driving to and from the wedding on the coast. Four plane flight legs took at least twenty-five more hours, but we’re still glad to have made the trip. The next wedding is in 30-days with the long drive to Indianapolis – Home Again and Again!


Retirement is not without Hassles: Wedding Roast #2365

After several silly delays, including a first officer that got locked out of the jetway while trying to join the crew on our plane, we arrived in Portland about 2a (5a at home). We still had to get our luggage, find the Enterprise Rental desk, and drive to my stepdaughter’s new home. Needless to say, I got to bed about the same time I normally wake up, with very little sleep.

By 9a I was doing the daily run, choosing a middle school track over the hilly roads surrounding it. However, the temperature was much cooler, so I went a little further at a pace that was nearly a minute faster. When I returned to the house, my clothes were not uncomfortably soaked in sweat. I was home again in Portland.

Today, I’ll see some familiar sights, starting with a friendly lunch at the Lake Oswego Grill. The temps have been hot here, as well, considering that this athletic dude did his annual bike ride from Seattle to Portland and couldn’t finish, consumed by 90-degree heat. After lunch, I’ll swing by Plaza Cleaners for a pair of pants apparently left behind two-years ago in our move to Florida. Dinner will be at Ling’s Garden, the Asian restaurant that we frequented while living in our Portland apartment and dealing with Covid.

I made arrangements to visit a former co-worker’s home on Sunday after a wedding weekend that starts tomorrow. There will be many long-lost faces in attendance, with probably a few surprises. We’re staying at the Tillamook Shilo Inn, a rare deviation from our Marriott lodging. Tillamook is of course famous for its Cheese and right down the road is Netart’s Bay, known for its oysters and the home of my about to be married buddy of 55 years.

I wrote this poem for his wedding toast, taking into account our friendship extending from hometown Elkhart (“City with a heart”) to I.U. and finally into Oregon. I’m making fun of his R.V., likely built in our our Hoosier backyard, and the trip we took together to Italy with ex-wives:

Wedding Roast

Rog and I go back 55 years,

From the city with a Heart.

Blazers and Hoosiers,

Choir was our start.


We could have had,

Mobile home careers.

But Roger chose,

Instead to steer.


It’s often parked,

In his driveway.


Netarts Bay.


But when traffic is slow,

We often say:

Must be a “Rog,”

Blocking the way.


We’ve traveled abroad,

Back in the day.

With other women,

Let’s just say.


You showed me,

The Amalfi Coast.

So I offer you,

This silly roast.


We once saw the Pope,

Mowing his lawn.

He had his shirt off,

Showing Holy brawn.


In an Italian rental,

Speaking of scares.

You nearly guided me,

Down a set of stairs. 


But enough about us,

Let’s talk about them.

Roger and Christina,

Together again.


40 years ago,

They dated two years.

But missed 38 more,

Due to commitment fears.


Destiny has intervened,


They now get a second shot,

And have tied Love’s knot.


No more glitches,

Two point Oh.

We’re all delighted,

As you two know.


Here’s to the Millers,

Or did she make you Hoell?

With this latest version,

Your lives grew full. (Or whole)


We wish you the best,

And don’t come knockin’

Especially when,

That “Rog” is rockin’.


If up to me,

I’d end right there.

But Denise insists,

There’s more to share.


To Roger and Christina,

A toast to 2.0.

May you spend your golden years,

Basking in love’s glow.


To be continued…..;…




Retirement is not without Hassles: Change of Pace #2364

I’ve decided not to take my computer with me to Portland, so if I write anything over the next week it will be on my phone and later added to this blog. The metrics officially show that no one is really reading this, so it remains just a personal therapeutic release. I still enjoy writing but there is simply no urgency. There is a wedding poem that I have yet to post, and I’ve promised a retirement poem to another friend. This will give me something to do on the long flight tomorrow. I’m fighting a lack of motivation as a result of the suffocating heat. A light rain this morning helped get me through another day of running. A change of pace will be welcome. 

The evening golf cart rides have been a welcome change to the daily routine. I’m grateful just to be healthy after hearing that a neighborhood friend just took a fall and is wearing a back brace. This could happen to anyone at any time. She simply tripped over a dog toy and landed wrong. My son recently tested positive for Covid, not much of a way to celebrate a birthday. He still plans to go to Universal Studios this weekend, taking advantage of our Marriott Vacation Club accommodations in Orlando. By the way, I just learned that Marriott has added the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas to their Luxury Collection. It’s where we were married. Perhaps we can return there as part of our upcoming 25th anniversary celebration. 

Our American flight from Fort Myers to Portland leaves tomorrow evening at 5p, putting us in our Enterprise rental car at about 11p (2a here). We’ll stay at my son-in-law’s new home, return to some of our favorite dining spots, and head to Tillamook, Netarts, and Oceanside for two days of wedding festivities. I hope to work in a visit to a good friend’s home under construction, but my wife wants to spend as much time as possible with her daughter, so logistics will be a challenge. We’ll be gone for eight days, with Tally staying at a neighbor’s house rather than the usual Schnauzerville accommodations. It will be a welcome change of pace for all of us. 



Retirement is not without Hassles: Celebrity Encounters of the Close Kind #2363

I was never one to seek out or stalk celebrities. I respect their privacy and often don’t even notice when they pass by. In most cases, It usually takes someone to say, “Hey, there’s so and so or isn’t that….”  I’m not one for autographs or photographs, so those famous are relatively safe around me. However, being in the media business most of my life, I’ve had many close encounters despite my shyness and reserved nature. With all this in mind, let’s do a little name dropping!

I would say that one of my first celebrity encounters was with my dad and his friend who took me to lunch with a Philadelphia Phillies baseball catcher by the name of Jim Coker. Oddly enough, a guy I met the other day at a baseball card show asked me to buy one of his cards. He didn’t know the player but liked the looks of it. Honestly, I was reluctant to let it go, but had another in my collection. As I write this, I’m surrounded in my office by autographs and photos of mostly sports celebrities, but also a few favorite authors, like Dennis Lehane who wrote Shutter Island that I met at a book signing at Powell’s in Portland. Unlike this particular instance, most of my personalized signatures I didn’t personally ask for myself. Instead, I’ve gotten them as gifts through the years. 

I have had my share of personal encounters with athletes, having worked closely with the Purdue Boilermakers, Indiana Pacers and Indianapolis Colts. My favorite teams are from Indiana University but only I.U. basketball’s Steve Alford, Mike Davis, and Kent Benson have autographed something for me. I met Coach Bob Knight at the Maui Classic and spent some time talking with him at a political fundraiser down in Austin. Purdue’s Coach Gene Keady, who will soon be a member of the Basketball Hall of Fame, was a regular at my Lafayette TV station, WLFI, for the production of his weekly coaches show, as was football’s Joe Tiller, so there were always players available to meet. Most of them I honestly don’t remember or even made an effort to approach except for Drew Brees. After all, I was a Hoosier fan at heart and they were the frenemy but important to my business. Same was true when I talked with Coach Bruce Weber at the University of Illinois and met one of his earlier predecessors, Lou Henson, in our WISH-TV suite.

As for the Colts and Pacers, I attended many a media day and took clients to training camps for many years. Peyton Manning and Billy Brooks were my favorites, although I also met Jeff George at the station and did commercial shoots with most all of them including the most recent coach and former player, Jeff Saturday. Pacers’ legend Reggie Miller was a regular at our gym, Peak Performance. My favorite pro team is the Bears, and I was fortunate to meet Dick Butkus after his playing career was over. He was on a committee with me in Decatur to promote extension of Illinois Highway 51, his jersey number at Illinois and Chicago. I also shook the meaty hand of Mike Ditka at an Illinois Broadcasters event. The Bears were originally founded as the Decatur Staleys. 

I never met Michael Jackson or saw his signature moonwalk live, but I did serve on the board of Imagination Station in Lafayette alongside Purdue Astronaut Gene Cernan, the last man to actually walk on the moon to this date. I’m also not much of a foodie but did enjoy taking a cooking class at Marshall Fields in Chicago with Rick Bayless, founder of Frontera restaurant. We have his autographed cookbook. 

My television career put me face to face with several Network on-air talents like David Letterman, Jane Pauley, Dan Rather, and Tom Brokaw, not to mention working with many local TV celebrities. Letterman’s fame spread to the racetrack where I also met 4-time winner A,J. Foyt, rode in a 2-seater with Mario Andretti, rubbed elbows with owner and Hollywood idol Paul Newman, met the great Roger Penske, and was teammates with Pancho Carter, Roberto Guerrero, and Kevin Cogan, among others. I once spent a sleepless night on the motel balcony next to Bobby Rahal just outside the Michigan International Speedway. I also went jet skiing with the entire Unser family on a race weekend. One of my Indy highlights was being transported by helicopter to and from the track with my WISH-TV guests, cellular tycoons Craig and Wendy McCaw. We watched the race from the Hullman Suite. 

Racing took me all over the country to sites like Long Beach, Monterey, Portland, Mid-Ohio, Texas Motor Speedway, Elkhart Lake, Milwaukee, and nearby Raceway Park in Indy for the U.S. National Drags where I met female speed legend, Shirley “Cha-Cha” Muldowney. Other fast women that I chatted with at racetracks were Lyn St. James and Danica Patrick. Throughout this time, I was lucky to have worked with the Derek Daly family, whose son Conor carries on their speed legacy. They introduced me to many of the big-time players in the sport at their home and in their trackside suites. Last but not least, I was able to treat my family to a day at the Daytona 500 where we encountered Clint Bowyer in the pit area. I asked him for an autograph for the grandkids not knowing who he was but recently recognized him as a FOX commentator for this year’s race. I was eventually gifted with the autographed ticket in a shadow box of his racing highlights. 

The Indianapolis Motor Speedway was where I spent most of the month of May every year. I have a rather unique “Thanks for the Mousepitality” framed poster that hangs on the wall to remind me of when Disney came to the Speedway as my guest. They parked their performance semi next to our WISH-TV studios because they couldn’t get into the track, while the Indianapolis Star accused us of “Whoring with the Mouse.” I did several meet-and-greets with the characters and live performances around town, discovering that Mickey was really a girl, Minnie was a smoker, and all three of them, including Pluto, were Teamsters. It all culminated with the live unveiling of the 1992 Cadillac Allente pace car.

The annual Indianapolis 500 ball was a great opportunity to meet the stars, and we usually had a prime table. Next to us one year were very approachable Morgan Freeman and Patrick Dempsey. Other major sporting events in Indy like the Final Four also gave me the chance to meet Ray Romano, Kevin Costner, and Conan O’Brien. I also got a chance to talk to Mohammad Ali in a concession line. In 1997, the USA Track and Field Championships came to Indianapolis, and I was able to meet and get autographs from eventual Olympic champions Michael Johnson and Gail Devers. I still have the framed, signed poster in my collection. In 1991, Indianapolis also hosted the PGA Championship at Crooked Stick in Carmel where John Daly was the surprising victor. I had media credentials and watched the celebration, just as I had in 1988 at Bush Stadium (now Victory Field) when the Indianapolis Indians won it all behind the pitching of Randy Johnson. 

Annual CBS & NBC meetings in Las Vegas or New York put me in front of Hollywood’s finest such as Ruppert Boneham from Survivor and Mariska Hargity of Law & Order. The Who played the CSI theme “Don’t Get Fooled Again” and then joined us for the cocktail party where I got to exchange a few words. While in the Big Apple I also went to Martha Stewart’s studio to meet her and watch her cooking show with guest star S. Epatha Merkerson of Law & Order fame. While at the Broadway show, Hairspray, I got into a conversation at intermission with Henry Winkler, “The Fonz.” One evening while walking back to our hotel from meetings, I spotted Murder She Wrote star Angela Lansbury checking out of the Parker hotel.  Our hotel, The Rihga Royal was directly across the street from the Robert Morris talent agency where vocalists like Alicia Keyes, John Popper, and Olivia Newton John often frequented. 

One of my most memorable Radio promotions took place in Ft. Wayne, Indiana with the movie E.T. My son and I spent the day with Drew Barrymore, since they were both about the same young age. I also took him backstage to meet Gene Simmons and KISS before a concert and interacted with Jon Anderson of YES for a live radio interview on WMEE. I helped organize a Summer Concert Tour and spent many performances with the artists on stage and behind the scenes, but none were apparently as memorable as these. 

Contestant searches were a big part of my promotional responsibilities in TV.  The two biggest were Jeopardy! and Wheel of Fortune. I spent a lot of time with Alex Trebek, Pat Sajek, and Vanna White. Ray Charles and the Pepsi girls once visited our studios for a commercial shoot for “You Got the Right One, Baby!” We created some :04 second IDs for on-air use. Back in my radio days, I spent the day with Bob “In the Butt” Eubanks doing store appearances for The Dating Game

When I was a kid, attending Indiana Junior Basketball Camp, I first met Meadowlark Lemon as a celebrity counselor. While in sales at WMEE, I played in an exhibition game against his Harlem Globetrotters where I also met “Curley” Neal and Marques Haynes. Another basketball idol of mine, George McGinnis, came to a party at my Bloomington apartment with two other Hoosier teammates Joby Wright and Ed Daniels. I then met Larry Bird at a golf outing, one of many that I was invited to play. Michigan State basketball coaches, Judd Heathcoat and Tom Izzo, were part of a pep rally I attended in East Lansing, wearing red I.U. gear that they were quick to tease me about. Current Alabama football coach, Nick Saban, was also a quick conversation at that Spartan event before he guided his team to a comeback M.S.U. overtime victory over my Hoosiers. It was just part of my O for East Lansing bad fortune throughout the years. 

With regard to the movies, Matt Damon and crew came to our WAND TV studios during filming of The Informant. They borrowed some equipment for the shoot. Sean Connery, James Bond, I met in the lobby of London’s Grosvenor Hotel during the BBC broadcast of the British Academy Awards. The movie Blue Chips premiered in Bloomington, so I was introduced to Nick Nolte at the red carpet showing. I said hello to American Pie’s Eugene Levy on the Wailea walking path while in Maui and to Matthew McConaughey in a U.T. football suite while in Austin. David Schwimmer of Friends dined next to me in a Bellagio restaurant, and I couldn’t resist the urge to say hello under the influence of good wine. Jim Belushi tried to cut in the security line in front of me in Las Vegas but didn’t recognize him in his Cubs hat until he sat next to us on the tram.

I spent some time in Austin as a cast extra in three television productions and would often speak and dine with the main cast members The first was Friday Night Lights with Kyle Chandler, Connie Britton, Jesse Plemons, and Buddy Garrity. I had several different roles including a member of the school board, as a customer at an auto dealership, and in the crowd as a Panthers fan. The second filming was Revolution where they aged my borrowed clothing with mud and dirt.  Finally, I was in a couple scenes of Grimm with Bitsie Tulloch.  Most of my many hours of minimum wage pay were spent just patiently waiting and many scenes were cut, but it was a fun experience of being close to stardom. 

I’ve already mentioned several musical encounters, as there have been many random sightings throughout my career. John Cougar Mellencamp I’ve spoken to at I.U. basketball games. John McKay of Steppenwolf was on plane with me from Las Vegas. Country artist, Jason Aldean, was part of a John Deer tractor giveaway that I set up in Portland while with Alpha Media. B.B. King, with his trusty guitar Lucille, I reached out to at the VIP door of the Cincy coliseum after a show. Mick Fleetwood – I acknowledged at his Maui restaurant, Fleetwood’s on Front Street along with his dinner guests Z.Z. Topp. Grace Slick answered questions live as part of her artwork display in an Austin store. Her biggest regret: Not doing Jimi Hendrix! Alice Cooper – I met in the early 70s while playing at a Ft. Lauderdale motel venue as Vince Furnier. Many years later I watched him do his syndicated radio show in the Alpha Radio studios. Mary Travers of Peter, Paul, & Mary asked me where the bathrooms were at our WISH-TV offices. 

Back to baseball, Scott Rolen is the son-in-law of my WISH-TV boss and soon to be a Hall of Fame inductee in Cooperstown. Ryne Sandburg of the Cubs once accidently kicked over my friend’s beer at Wrigley Field and signed his empty cup. Two former Dodger managers have crossed my path after meeting recently deceased Tommy Lasorda in a Dodger Stadium suite and sitting with Walter Alston’s family behind the dugout at Wrigley. My friend, his nephew, introduced me after the game. Another former Cub, shortstop Don Kessinger joined me and his agency buddy for lunch in Indy. Lastly on the baseball front, I met with legendary fireballer Nolen Ryan, not as a player but as owner of R Bank and The Roundrock Express in Austin. 

Final encounters worth mentioning include Illinois Senators Barak Obama and John McCain at the Capital Building in D.C. while on a Decatur Chamber of Conference trip.  Donald Trump tried to beat me to an empty phone booth in a Boston hotel. He was the speaker at a business conference long before cell phones, The Apprentice, and being elected President. I somehow recognized his name on the badge of colorful ribbons he was wearing and offered to let him go first. JFK, Jr. spoke as a representative of George Magazine at a San Diego Ad Club convention. I got to meet him at the reception following, fighting off all the adoring women who were obviously anxious to get close. Lance Armstrong was a frequent Austin sighting that I shook hands with at a Livestrong Cancer fundraiser. A friendly Heavyweight Champion, George Foreman, was holding court in the Watergate Hotel during one of my many visits to the city. Raymond Floyd had breakfast with me during the Grand Opening of his Redtail Golf Course in Fort Wayne.

In retirement, I miss the access to free tickets, suite seats, backstage passes, celebrity golf outings, credentials, fundraisers, and press favoritism. There are no more company paid conventions, business trips, fine dining experiences, or reasons to meet the rich and famous. I felt some sense of celebrity just being in the media business, but now all that’s left are great memories that I’m happy to share. I felt the need to write down all that I can remember because soon they will be forever forgotten. 























Retirement is not without Hassles: Tourist Thursday #2362

I’m feeling a bit burnt out, both with running and writing. What was once a strict daily discipline has now become a tiresome chore. I’ve consequently cut back on my mileage and my postings as I struggle with maintaining these important retirement routines. Yet here I am at 5,311 consecutive days of running and 2,362 posts. I remember in Austin when I first started the streak while working, I was doing a daily 2-mile course that often extended to the treadmill. I had increased to 5k or 3.1 miles after retirement with more time on my hands, but now the Florida heat is taking its toll.  I’ve added Chair yoga for flexibility and swimming some laps to the daily regimen of push-ups, sit-ups, and stretching. I definitely want to get to the 15-year mark before considering other changes, including surgery that could put an end to the streak. I’m fearful that I wouldn’t start another streak after this one ends and might end up retiring from running. 

With all the traveling we’ve been doing this year our goal of seeing all the area sights has taken a back seat. Tourist Thursday was back on track yesterday afternoon with a journey to Arcadia. We visited a true tourist trap in buying tickets to Solomon’s Castle, just recently under 7-feet of water. As the brochure states, “the home, galleries, and workshop of internationally renowned artist Howard Solomon are open to the public. Decorated with more than  80 interpretive stained-glass windows and countless metal sculptures, the castle is a day-long delight.” The whimsical tour delivered by a neighbor lady scripted in the artist’s words complete with puns is worth the price of admission. Everything is made from recycled materials including the exterior panels of the castle constructed with aluminum newspaper printing plates. Next up: The world’s largest ball of twine -just kidding.

We’ve seen the amazing Ringling Brothers miniature circus (See Post #1779) also crafted by a local artisan, but this is even more mind-blowing, especially knowing that he started carving at age 4 and never stopped. He built the castle, boat in the moat, lighthouse, and restaurants on the property. Then, we stopped downtown at several antique stores and finished the day with Tally’s golf cart ride around the neighborhood and into our shared garden. 

The Friday follow-up to this adventure has already proven to be another retirement whirlwind of activity. I ran while my wife went to tap classes and then proceeded to reset some sunken pavers around our pool. I had tried unsuccessfully the other day, scraping up my fingers badly. However, a borrowed rubber mallet proved to be the solution. I was covered with sand and sweat so the pool laps afterwards felt especially refreshing. The doorbell than rang with the crew that installed our dining room cabinet countertop and again with the A/C repairman. We also took the opportunity to book a Punta Gorda sunset cruise out of Fisherman’s Village (Tourist Thursday on a Friday) with a buy-one-get-one coupon and made arrangements for a flight to Oakland for Christmas with my wife’s daughter. Next Thursday we will be in our former home of Portland, Oregon (as tourists) with her other daughter and at a wedding on the coast.


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