Property values in our area have obviously dropped dramatically following the storm. It will take time to rebuild our community, as many suffered greater losses than we did. As it turned out, we did have some roof damage, but the great guy who’s building our outdoor kitchen repaired the tiles, so this is why the inspector found no issues. He also braced our front door to prevent more water from getting into the house. It was fortunate that he was here when the winds started to blow. The refrigerator repair was moved to Friday from this morning, so I was able to complete my 3.1 mile course uninterrupted. I also called the builder to assure that the warranty was in place and that I had called an authorized KitchenAid agent. 

While football was not going my way yesterday, I was able to catch up on “House of the Dragon.” This morning I will watch episode 9 that was released last night and call my sister. It’s “Matinee Monday,” so we’ll get back into that routine with the showing of Amsterdam. The grandkids are also invited over tomorrow night for pot pie since my antsy wife was thankfully able to get to Costco while I lingered on the couch. Most of the outdoor furniture has been moved from the garage along with the yard art. We’re slowly getting back to normal. 

It was good to see all the regulars along my running course this morning. Life goes on despite the setback. We signed up for a Hallo-wine event at the clubhouse that will also need to undergo some repairs. Tomorrow, I have an appointment with the eye surgeon for my upcoming blepharoplasty, a procedure that removes excess skin from my sagging eyelids. I will experience some serious bruising around the eyes like I’ve been in a barroom fight once this minor operation takes place in a few weeks. My face will then sadly look like some of the damaged homes in our neighborhood.