I have more dads than most people, considering that I’m adopted, although only one of them really deserves that title of affection. I knew only one of them, but have gotten to know more about the biological aspect of the other man in my life. He gave me life while the real dad gave me everything else. I’m also a dad myself and this son gave me three grandchildren. My true family tree consists only of these four people but in reality there are nearly 30,000 people that somehow affected my life. All of these DNA connections are relatively new discoveries, as I continue to search for natural connections. However, nothing is stronger than the love I feel for the couple that adopted me who were the only people that I called “Mom” and “Dad.”
I’m thinking of them today, along with grandfathers and grandmothers that made me who I am. So many memories of those that treated me as their own, despite the fact that I was not legitimately connected. I cannot possibility express my gratitude and love for this family. This is what today is all about – being thankful to those who shaped our futures. Sadly, all of mine are now gone, but hopefully still looking out for me. Maybe they are reading over my shoulder as I write this? They fought for my freedom, paid for my education, and taught me how to be a good person. Although I have failed on occasion, I feel that they are all proud of what I have achieved and become.
I’m also a proud step-father and spent yesterday at the ballpark in San Francisco with my wife’s daughter and husband. Today, we travel to Portland to be with my other step-daughter and her spouse. I had just moved to Florida, just a few miles from my son’s home, yet we once again forced to celebrate a long distance Father’s Day. The difficultly in balancing our family time is that Father’s Day is often also my wife’s birthday, so she naturally wants to be around her girls. As a result, my son and I will have to sacrifice this day together, but we’re both glad to finally be living close by, thanks to my wife’s offering to move far away from her kids. I hope everyone is enjoying time with family, as we are. Happy Father’s Day to all!
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