Monday is only bad if you have to go to work or school after a weekend of play. For the average working Joe or Jane, there’s not much playful fun these days with the Covid threat always looming. Working from home is still the norm after seven long months of adaptation. For us retired folks, there’s not much of a transition from weekend to weekday. I think of it as just another day with a few more cars on the road. There are no plans for today with the exception of another episode of Fargo and the beginning of Mad Men Season 7. 

I haven’t been very creative of late. No poems or novel ideas to share. I’m reading the James Patterson Coast-to-Coast Murders that is off to an intriguing start. It appears to be his best effort in a long time. Yesterday, I also watched the Cowboys lose again, the Colts beat the Bears, and the Heat finally get the best of the Lakers. The Butler did it! Baseball starts again this afternoon minus the Cubs and White Sox. I’m cheering for the A’s to beat the Astros and the Rays over the Yankees. If nothing else, it will inspire a good nap after a restless night’s sleep. 

This morning’s run gave me some temporary energy, but that will fade quickly. Days are passing too quickly, with little to distinguish one from the other. Without the trip to Egypt this week, we had then planned to to drive down to California, but that never got organized. Too much smoke, our daughter’s broken leg, and cash flow concerns have us stuck at home. My car also needs a good mechanical check-up before we take on another lengthy drive. Hawaii is a just two months away if Covid concerns don’t once again interfere. It would be a great family get-together between Thanksgiving and Christmas, our last major holidays on the West Coast. It’s Florida or Bust!