With new homes come unexpected issues like no power or no water. Today, it was the latter as a construction truck hit a water main and a river started to flow down our street. Of late, I’ve also dealt with internet issues, as we continue to get the bugs out. After a year-and-a-half of living in an established apartment complex, I’m not used to having to fend for myself. I didn’t even have to replace light bulbs, so the responsibilities of home ownership are just now beginning to set in. I’ve yet to even buy a shovel, having given away most of my outdoor tools while living in condos all these years. I also no longer own a drill, pipe wrench, or saw, but just recently purchased two hoses. Slowly but surely we’ll get back on track when it comes to home maintenance. 

There are about twenty new homes under construction on our street, so utility issues are bound to pop up. The power outage turned out to be a clerical error that inexplicably shut down our account, but I’ve already had to personally deal with these inconveniences that experienced  homeowners take for granted. However, we’ve barely even gotten our furniture in place. The biggest hassle so far has been the smoke alarm malfunctions. At the same time, I read about the hardships of the old west, trying to survive in concentration camps, and life as an immigrant. I’m fortunate to only have to put up with minor headaches.

I added an extra set of storage shelves last evening, with some frustrating assembly required, and got all the clear boxes off the garage floor. I also have a request to hang a couple of decorative pieces, although my shaky hands are a big detriment to any carpentry skills I might have possessed as a younger do-it-yourselfer. Before this happens, I have a chiropractor appointment and some errands to run. It’s another beautiful day in the neighborhood but too many projects yet to complete. By the time we were back home, we GOT WATER.