My computer incompetence was once again showing this morning as I tried sending a spreadsheet to a neighbor. The printer for some reason will no longer connect so I had to transfer the file to a thumb drive that failed to properly record the scan. Even my attempts to photograph and send were unsuccessful. I’m sure my blood pressure is now through the roof again, as it was when I got up this morning, measuring 147/87. Running took it down to 101/69. I don’t seem to have much patience in retirement, as the grumpy old man frequently overtakes me. In fact, I’m surprised there haven’t been more issues trying to get this blog posted. 

We met with an old friend yesterday, but the stereo speaker  was right over our table blaring Bob Marley tunes. I felt I was scream talking trying to fit in with the conversation, while my hearing aids were ineffective. Bar scenes and noisy restaurants are not my thing any more and make me grumpy. Sometimes, I’m just grumpy having to get out of my chair on a hot afternoon, if Tally lets me sit there. Trying to carry on a conversation is many times exhausting with my throat issues and hearing difficulties. I find myself craving peace and quiet. (See Mr. Grumpy Pants Post  #1012)

Maybe this is what I like about running? it’s certainly not the sweat and effort, but at least I don’t have to talk to anyone or pretend that I understand what they are saying. It’s 45-minutes of self absorption with the focus on sore muscles and heat exhaustion. An occasional “hi” and smile to a passerby are my only obligations and there’s no time to stop for small talk. I recognize dozens of faces every morning but I know very little about them. They probably don’t even know that I’m a grumpy old man. The Streak, now at 4,935 consecutive days, provides me with bragging rights, something unique and remarkable about my life these days, even though I grumble about doing it every day.