After a tough morning run in Omaha, feeling the effects of high temperatures and humidity, I put down the words to a poem once I finally got back to our hotel room. My bright orange Oregon State t-shirt was soaked, and my times slow, but I followed the Missouri River up to the Riverboat and looped back towards downtown. It was day 3469 and I continue to be ranked #203 on the website that explains the details of participation.  I have nearly ten years invested in this streak, and regard it one of my great accomplishments in life, regardless of how long it eventually lasts. I consider myself lucky every day I get it done. 


Just to be done

I know it will be,
A glorious day.
Once this run,
Is out of the way.

The run comes first,
As I hop out of bed.
It’s the first indication,
That I’m not dead.

Breathing hard,
And covered in sweat.
How much worse,
Can it get?

The finish line,
Seems far away.
But just how far?
Is hard to say.

Just keep going,
Ignore the pain.
Feel those muscles,
Start to strain.

Left foot forward,
And then the right.
Just keep moving,
Prove your might.

Pump those arms,
Climb those hills.
Where’s your form?
Show some Skills.

Your legs feel heavy,
Your lungs may burn.
And it magnifies,
With every churn.

Engage your mind,
Think pleasantries.
Try telling that,
To your knees.

Whoever said,
That this is fun?
It sure feels good,
Just to be done.

Copyright 2018