There is no Kauai in our immediate future, contained to the mainland through the rest of the year. The virus has saved us nearly $25,000 in travel and dining costs this year. It’s money we’ll put into our new house, or already have, considering all the hidden building charges. At least we’ll have more than just memories to show from our investments. Travel is great but it goes by quickly and all that is often left is just a good sun tan, bragging rights, or pictures to share with friends. In the case of Lost Hawaii, we also missed out on a great week of bonding with my wife’s family. There was Thanksgiving and Christmas to celebrate, along with several Birthday, home purchases, and anniversary toasts – all lost.

These moments together are not lost forever because someday we’ll do a make-good, once there’s a vaccine. In the meantime, we’ll use our airline credits to see our daughter’s new house in Oakland and get together for Hawaiian Time take-out. There will be no travel hassles like Covid tests, flight delays, packing issues, security checks, and rental cars. Instead, we’ll all sit at home wondering what might have been. My wife will continue to get her travel fix by watching episodes of The Amazing Race, and I will carry on with running the streets of Portland rather than the scenic Pacific oceanfront. 

We’re stuck at home in front of the T.V.  for at least another 50 days. Hopefully, we’ll get some construction updates to lift our spirits. I might be able to organize a couple of noon “Leadership Meetings” to watch basketball or football games. At least, it will get me out of the apartment for more than just a dog walk, food pick-up, or morning run. On the positive side, I’ve been able to successfully dodge alcohol for the past couple weeks, with only a couple of glasses of wine for Thanksgiving dinner, so pumpkin bars are my only current addiction.  We remain happy and healthy, so all is not Lost – just Hawaii!