There was a car dealer in Indianapolis, Indiana that did his own commercials. “Nobody will sell you a new Buick for less than Bob Catterson Buick….No-o-o-body” He’s listed as one of 15 local celebrities that only a real Hoosier would know. Several of them were heavy television advertisers with a sales gimmick like “No-o-o-body.”

Every once in awhile when I’m experiencing a bit of writer’s block, I like to go back through some of the poetry written years ago. It could very well be that I’ve already posted it, so forgive any redundancy. This one’s from ten years ago, and for some reason I might have been feeling a bit overlooked and unappreciated in life. Or maybe it was from hearing “No-o-o-body” too many times?


I am Nobody,
Just humble old me.
So if Nobody’ s Perfect,
Then I can’t be.

Yes, I am Nobody,
And Nobody loves me.
So I must love myself,
It’s plain to see.

I am Nobody,
Only Nobody cares.
I’m very giving,
Because Nobody shares.

I am Nobody,
But Nobody knows.
Can Anybody guess,
Where Nobody goes?

A knock on the door,
Only I am there.
So there’s Nobody home,
If Anyone should care.

Is Somebody out there?
Anybody but me.
Because I’m Nobody,
Or would you disagree.

Someday you’ll know me,
I’ll be Somebody.
I could be Anybody,
But today I’m Nobody.

Copyright 2009