I’m meeting up with an old friend tomorrow thanks again to a Facebook post. Her husband is a former client, friend, and fellow racing enthusiast. He’s back in Phoenix tending to his real estate business while she’s in Portland for a conference. We have been to Phoenix several times these past few years, but my wife was busy with her work responsibilities, while they were overseas on at least one of those occasions. As a result, I haven’t connected with them since Indianapolis, at least 20 years ago. Perhaps we can pinpoint that more precisely tomorrow in our conversations. I’m joining her in the hotel lobby for a couple hours prior to my “Leadership Meeting” and her flight back home. 

Ironically, it was another friend that I hooked up with three years ago in Phoenix during my wife’s first company trip. He’s actually from Tucson but was hiking in the Saguaro National Park near our hotel. I saw his post on Facebook and arranged to meet with him. We’ve been in touch ever since, after 40 years of separation. Social media reunions like this have been an unexpected benefit of being retired and having the time to renew friendships. As they say, “talking to an old friend makes you realize how much your life has changed.”

My life has certainly changed since college where I first met my friend from Tucson, and from my racing days in Indianapolis when I met these friends from Phoenix. It’s real estate now for him, but back then it was Hardee’s that brought us together. The restaurant chain was a sponsor of a race car driven by Pancho Carter. I was at radio and TV stations  that were also associated with the Indy 500. This was our connection, and where I met his wife that I’m meeting with tomorrow morning. It will sure bring back a lot of memories.

My wife enjoyed a successful 63rd birthday celebration yesterday. The dogs got to share in our brisket dinner, as was the tradition back when we lived in Austin, Texas. I always put a lot of energy into her big day, so today I’m winding it down a bit. I know what you’re thinking – from laid-back to even more laid-back – how is that possible? I’m sure there was a spike in my blood pressure leading up to the unwrapping and dining. My next gift buying responsibilities aren’t until Christmas, so I can start stressing and saving for the end of the year. In the meantime, I’ll be making new friends and renewing with old ones.