Fridays still feel good, even though they are just like every other day of retirement. Actually, every day should feel good but I guess Fridays will always stand out. Today, we have our flu shots scheduled so I’m not sure how we’ll feel by the end of the day. The kids were over last night for barbecue and my son got our TVs and thermostat in working order. I can now control the TVs, thermostat, lights, and doors from my phone and monitor deliveries from my Ring cameras. It is indeed the 21st Century, as even Captain Kirk rocketed into actual space rather than a fictional version. 

My wife just got back from the dog park where she patiently listened to fellow residents complain about grass maintenance and construction trucks. At least, none of us have to worry about getting our mowers started or trimming and weeding that typical home owners deal with on a day-to-day basis. Most drive their golf carts to the park and sit on a bench while the dogs entertain each other.  Occasionally, they’ll have to get off their butts to pick up some poop. I ran by this morning and waved, knowing that all our community issues were being addressed.

Yesterday, we used “Tourist Thursday” to visit the historic Venice Railroad Depot. It was constructed primarily to accommodate the Ringling Brothers circus, while one of their private cars is on display in the park. There’s also a statue of famous animal trainer, Gunter Gebel-Williams. He was the original “Lord of the Rings.” Apparently, PETA failed in its attempt to add an adjacent statue of an elephant in shackles. There really wasn’t much to see, while the depot undergoes a renovation so we had time to stop for ice cream at Big Olaf’s before our bank appointment. It reminded me of my earlier days on Siesta Key beach and their original location in Sarasota. Sweet!