What will life be like in the year 2045? I would be 93-years old and living on a very fixed income from Social Security and my pension. Savings would be long gone and my youngest grandchild 27. I might even have great grandchildren. Florida will probably still be my home even though it would most likely not be in this house. My wife would still be in her eighties and her girls in their sixties, starting to think about retirement. Neither of her kids will have children. My wife’s oldest daughter will still live in Portland, but her youngest will have moved several times. We’ll undoubtedly still have a dog, although Tally will have been long ago “replaced” with a schnauzer puppy that will have grown to be at least the same age that Tally is now. The chair that she sits in this morning will have worn out and been recycled. 

I’d like to imagine that my running streak will be at 38-years and counting. What I can’t imagine is how slow my pace will be by then. By the time I get done running it will soon be the next day. By then, I should have added another 8400 posts to this blog, although I will have probably discontinued my payments to Go Daddy for publishing. What will I do in the next 23 years to make my life constructive? Will go back to work? Will I finally publish a book? What triumphs and tragedies will I have faced? Where all will I have traveled? Or, will I be dead and how will that happen?

The story of my life continues. It’s a Tuesday that feels like Monday or could be any day of the retirement week. For now, life remains  nonconstructive with wasted hours watching series like Bosch Legacy, Outlander, Under the Banner of Heaven, and The Time Travelers Wife. The only reason I’m not in my chair right now is because Tally has claimed it for the day. Here’s to the Future!