I’m not doing a good job of keeping up on these posts, but the Viking schedule is quite demanding. We barely had time to unpack following the charter flight to Luxor, and several bus or shuttle rides before making our way to the Karnak Temple, Luxor Library, and a Heritage Center tour.  These were my first encounters with hieroglyphics, obelisks, and ancient carvings. We were on the go until finally settling down for a late dinner, our first on the boat before finally succumbing to exhaustion.

I have to get up at 6a every morning to squeeze in a run. It was easy the first day aboard, knowing that I had to be back at the Ra by 8a for departure with plenty of time to cover a full 5k. Each day the window of opportunity would get more and more difficult, settling for the minimum mileage or finding a safe course to maintain “The Streak.” Day 2, I followed the a similar outdoor path along the Nile, but found myself a bit unsettled after being chased by a pack of wild dogs. Day 3, we were docked in Esna, while the security folks would not let me leave the compound, so I was forced to jog over uneven pavers. I’ve been assured that when we get to Aswan tomorrow, I will once again be on the streets for my daily workout. 

In this 3-day time frame, we saw Luxor’s Goornah, the Valley of the Kings, the Rameses family tombs, and King Tut’s mummy, along with Howard Carter’s home during its discovery, the Valley of the Queens, Nefertari’s elaborate resting place, Colossi of Memnon, and the Temple of Khnum. It was a whirlwind of tourist activity, much like the Whirling Dervish performance onboard the Ra. As we cruise along the lush Nile Riverbanks, we’ve taken classes in the ancient Egyptian game of backgammon, language lessons in Arabic, and how to create our own Cartouche. It’s now time to relax for a day of sailing after seeing our fill of Tombs and Temples.