Thanks to the help of a friend I was able to get a vaccine appointment at a Salem, Oregon pharmacy about 50 miles away. It’s a little out of the way, but time was running out on scheduling both doses before we head to Florida. My wife is three months short of 65, so not yet eligible. She will have to get hers once we get settled in our new home. We’ll make another road trip adventure out of our drive down to the State Capital. Next Friday, we go to the coast for the day, and a week from Monday some wine tasting is on the calendar. 

It’s stacking up to be a very busy month of March. My wife’s daughter and her husband are coming to dinner tonight as we start to say our goodbyes to friends and family. Tuesday the car gets serviced. March Madness will lead to some additional Leadership Meetings. The last week is filled with document signing, doctor/dentist appointments, packing, loading, and hopefully getting my second vaccine shot. In the meantime, Tally will have her annual physical and shots. It’s shots all around, followed our April Fools Day move.  No pranks please. 

The sun has appropriately made an appearance on this Sunday. My run was relatively dry and double-dog duty went smoothly this morning. Tally’s doggy niece Falco spent the night. They can be pretty rowdy together, but scaredy-cats apart. Falco will go home after our family dinner tonight, so my responsibilities of evening and morning outings are complete. We’re not sure how often the two of them will get together before we start our drive. It’s sad that these two best buddies may never see each other again with 2,500 miles of geographic separation. Tally is too big to ride with us on a plane, while the smaller Falco probably won’t. We’ll do everything we can to let them romp together in these final weeks between my Covid-19 vaccine shots.