Research now shows that people spend an average of over two more hours on the couch every day. For many at home workers, the couch has become their office. When I was in the T.V. business, these were our heroes. In fact, I had a picture of a couch potato on my bulletin board with a reference to how much time they spent watching television. A sedate, snack-filled lifestyle describes our daily existence these days of isolation. We claim to be protecting the world from the spread of disease, but in the process we’re killing ourselves. Today’s couch is tomorrow’s coffin! 

I was doing pretty good on my overall calorie consumption yesterday, mostly because we left the apartment on two extra occasions – a dramatic change from the norm. However, my wife brought out the chips and queso last evening, as we watched The Trial of the Chicago Seven. It was so reminiscent of what can go wrong when a large throng of people get together for a peaceful protest. We see this happen every night on the streets of Portland. Good intentions turn into bad endings, with politics at the core. I haven’t heard the word “Establishment” in many years, but the reference to “pigs” has never changed. The only thing that has differed is the cause. Back then it was the Vietnam War – now it varies from day to day. 

Depending on what source you read, Georgia has now evolved from a traditional red state into Democratic blue thanks to the Atlanta area. This could push Biden over the top once all the votes get counted today. Right now it comes down to less than a thousand ballots. This will of course lead to more controversy and anger on the streets. What was fair four years ago in terms of the count is now perceived as tainted. By the end of the day, we should have a new President, with a very angry and vindictive current one. Nevada ballots are still valid if received by November 10th and postmarked on election day. This should not have been the case and makes little sense. Oregon, for example, stopped mail-in voting many days before the election, with the option being secure drop-off locations. 

I say you have to get off the couch to vote. You can do it in person or mail it in early. Election Day should be Election Day – not a week later. At least, we could have already started the tedious recounting process that will already extend the critical Presidential decision for months, delaying any chances for a much-needed stimulus package and probably even a vaccine. I’m tired of being a couch potato – aren’t you? However, it does make me hungry for some McDonald’s French Fries, even though I’ve stopped drinking Diet Coke. For me, the two have always been related. Surely, there’s a fry somewhere under the couch cushions. I’ll get off soon and check!