There was a time when every day started with a Diet Coke. I haven’t had one in nearly 2 months, one of the longest stretches that I can remember. I’m using up some herbal tea on these cool fall mornings, as a temporary substitute. I still miss the carbonation, but don’t intend to fall back on this unhealthy lifelong habit. It was 37-degrees this morning as I hit the streets for the daily 3.1 mile run, number 4,332 of “The Streak.” It’s a good habit that is approaching 12-years, extending from my working days into retirement. 

Every morning I see the plight of the homeless and gain additional appreciation for my good fortune. Bodies are huddled in every covered doorway to escape from the elements. I also feel sorry for the business owners who clean up their left-behinds every morning. Too many downtown businesses are now closed and the trash accumulates. Those with canvas-covered entry archways often see groups of campers every morning. Many of these overhangs have been removed and iron gates installed at the expense of the owners to prevent these gatherings. Port-A-Pots have been destroyed and ugly graffiti marks every wall and sheet of plywood. Windows are protectively covered and tents litter the sidewalks. It’s a mess, even in this area, that hasn’t been affected by the riots. Disturbing!

I’ll spend another day inside and in front of the television. College football and T.V. series like Shameless, Amazing Race, and The Haunting of Bly Manor will occupy the day. Last  night’s dinner was “Take Out,” so tonight will be leftovers. “Date Nights” continue to be on-hold, and “Leadership Meetings” are sporadic. Covid has a firm grip on our lives. However, we’re still hoping to be in Kauai in five weeks, with cumbersome travel forms to fill-out and tests to take.  It will be a welcome escape from the daily routine often filled with boredom. We’re just happy to be healthy!