Today's thoughts

Author: mikeljohnston1 (Page 61 of 267)

Retirement is not without Hassles: Butterfly #2062

I spent the year of my 66th birthday in photos behind Route 66 signs and landmarks. We’ll pass by a few more this year in honor of my wife’s 66th, now nearly 5 years later. When we were deciding on a celebratory Limoges box, she suggested a colorful caterpillar. I put this poem inside it’s hinged box, calling the birthday her Florida metamorphosis. I wish I could do more for this year’s occasion, but a service call on our AC system resulted in a totally unexpected $850 charge to install a UV bulb to thwart the growth of algae that was plugging up our cooling system. After last night’s restless sleep in a muggy bedroom, it’s well worth the investment. Plus, it extends our maintenance plan another two years. Oh, the joys of home ownership!

We are headed to Cassariano Italian Eatery, one of our local Venice favorites, tomorrow night for a Birthday dinner. The restaurant was founded by Luca Cassani & Antonio Pariano, and named as a combination of their two surnames.  The planting of the red crepe myrtle tree is on hold until we can find one after recently striking out at a couple area nurseries. The Birthday Bulb will have to do, for now! It sparkles and glows more than most diamonds….right?

Birthday Butterfly 

A caterpillar, you decided,
Would be the right one.
A butterfly to be,
Once a cocoon is spun.

4000 muscles,
Sixteen legs.
Twelve tiny eyes,
Hatched from an egg.

Red beanie on its head,
And a smiling face.
Blue stars painted,
On its hinged base.

A birthday candle,
Sits on its back.
Shoes on its feet,
Prepared to run track.

A match inside,
To light the wicks.
On Route 66,
You’ll get your “kick.”

Sixty-Six years,
We celebrate.
With this Limoges,
And a dinner date.

Even Superwoman,
Has nothing on you.
Curvy shape,
And silver doo.

You’ve made your Florida,
And now enjoying,
Retirement Bliss.

We’ll also plant,
A red crepe tree.
And watch the sunset,
From the Key

Birthday Rainbows,
To you, my love.
Wishes granted,
From the stars above.

Eat some cake,
Sip Sancerre.
And commemorate,
With Birthday Bear!

Copyright 2022

Retirement is not without Hassles: No More #2061

Due to a general lack of interest and rising costs of supporting this Go Daddy site, my blogging days may soon come to an end. I have to renew by SSL certificate in September and upgrade my site’s version of PHP. All these little charges are eating away at my retirement budget. Gas prices are soaring, interest rates going up, and the stock market plummeting. These are all signs of the retirement apocalypse, and a need to make changes in our spending habits. Luxuries like a second car, streaming subscriptions, travel plans, home improvements, and dining out practices all need to be reviewed.  

I’m in a financial Catch-22 where I need to sell 401k stock to pay off credit card debt, debating whether market losses or interest payments are the deciding factor as to when. Either way I’m bleeding money that I don’t have to lose. Travel decisions have already been made for the year and most of the costs fortunately already paid in full. However, there will be some major gas expenses, car rental, and cruise excursions that will still be a factor in this year’s budget. The outdoor kitchen is more than half paid for, but there will be installation costs. I keep telling myself that I can’t take it with me and soon I may just have nothing left to pass along.

I also feel that medical costs are higher than expected as co-pays and visits are beyond expectations. I just returned from an echocardiogram appointment that has raised some concerns. Plus, the thermostat on our heating/cooling system is malfunctioning that will soon lead to paying a service call. These are the true hassles of retirement, while all of it leads to budget cutbacks and more frequent use of the words, “No More!”


Retirement is not without Hassles: Keep Your Shirt On #2060

Nothing to eat or drink until this afternoon, so I’m trying to keep busy. Skinwalker Ranch is on in the background and I’ll finish Barry Season 3 this morning. My wife will drive me to and from the colonoscopy early this afternoon before I gorge myself for dinner. A steak sounds great right now, but even a sip of water would be delicious. I shortened my run this morning to the minimum mile, feeling weak with an unsettled stomach. The fountain out front had dried up again in the intense heat and humidity. It’s only 84-degrees but feels like 94, even this early in the day. 

Last evening, while a chugged a gallon or so of Gatorade that quickly passed right through me, we watched God’s Favorite Idiot. I felt like that fountain outside – going full blast and then eventually drying up. Fountains seem to play a role in all things related to delicate bodily functions, thinking back to a campground scene and prostrate problems, wishing that we could flow like that fountain in the center of the lake. “Be the fountain!”

I did lose a good three pounds overnight, down to the weight that I should be normally. The problem is that I’ve probably lost a lot of muscle in these last few years, while gravity has played havoc with my spine and posture. Muscles don’t feel as firm and belly flab rolls over my belt. The important thing at this age is just to keep your shirt on!



Retirement is not without Hassles: Colonoscopy #2059

It’s a day of clear liquids, Miralax, and Dulcolax. The ten-year tradition colon cleansing starts this morning. The shelves are stocked with 7Up, Gatorade, Jello-O, and popsicles for my dining pleasure. I’ll spend this evening on the toilet and tomorrow morning hungry or thirsty until after the noontime procedure. Tomorrow morning’s run will only be a mile. The good news is that I will probably lose a few pounds. 

Chuck joined me on this morning’s 3.1 mile jaunt, but lost patience with my slower pace after the halfway point. He took off down a side road while I stumbled home in the heat. His companionship did push my comfort level a bit, so my times were a bit faster than normal. I just couldn’t find another gear to keep up with him. In my defense, he is about 7-years younger but still a grandfather like me. We commiserated over stock market declines and home maintenance costs. I finished the last mile without music, listening to the shuffle of my feet on the asphalt road surface. Once again, my shirt and shorts were soaked in sweat by the finish and the pool was a welcome sight. 

Each morning run ends with a daily Wordle puzzle, at least over the last 100 days. I’ve failed on only 2 of those puzzles with my current streak of over 30-consecutive. I also do five 7-Little Word puzzles every day, plus Quordle, and Octordal. Everything in my life seems to stem around streaks – running, push-ups, puzzles, and alcohol consumption are the primary factors. I did have a margarita the other night at a Mexican restaurant, breaking another short abstention streak. I don’t seem to have much discipline when it comes to drinking booze – but it’s certainly not allowed until after the colonoscopy.

Retirement is not without Hassles: Money Tree #2058

There is some consolation in knowing that we’re not losing as much in the stock market as would be the case if we hadn’t invested a big chunk of our IRA in this Florida home. Travel is also getting more expensive, although we’re committed to the remainder of the year regardless of the cost. At this rate, all of us retirees will soon be back at work. Fortunately, there are plenty of jobs available, if you can make more than it costs to get to work. It just makes working from home the best option.

I’m not confident that I budgeted enough savings, pension, and Social Security for the long run. Fortunately, at this point, only savings is subject to economic factors, but is flowing out of control like sand through an hourglass. Our outdoor kitchen is on hold until September when our contractor returns from Italy. The garage is now full of venting and appliances for that delayed project. We went to a plant nursery yesterday to look for a red crepe myrtle to replace the bush on the side of our driveway. My wife decided that she wanted it instead of another palm tree out front, opting for some color to match our red ceramic fountain and planters. We’ll push back any plans for backyard landscaping until next year.

Paver sealing is the popular neighborhood project of late, another future home investment for us. Most of our neighbors have been settled here a little longer and are ahead of us on many of these home  improvements. They are not traveling as much as we are this year, so their priorities are different. We have our upcoming road trip, Alaska/Japan cruise, and family get-together in Kauai to deal with yet this year. I think we need to plant a money tree!

Retirement is not without Hassles: See The USA in your Chevrolet #2057

This morning we’re headed to the waterpark to meet up with my grandkids. I’ve already completed my run and swim on this sweltering Monday morning. I was completely drenched after my 3.1 mile run in these humid conditions, so a few hours in the pool sounds refreshing. I can just imagine, however, the crowd with school out for the summer. This is why I prefer the quiet, solitary surroundings of our backyard pool. It’s just perfect for our needs, plus we have access to two community pools, but my grandkids like the lazy river and slides that give them plenty to do rather than just splash around. 

We made more plans for our summer drive, including tickets to the Grand Ole Opry. Two days in Nashville, Tennessee will now be filled with music, museums, and a Nash-Trash tour of the sights. We start in Panama City and then travel to the University of Alabama before making our way to Nashville. Indianapolis and Decatur will follow before we head north to Ludington, Petoskey and Mackinac Island’s Grand Hotel. On the way back, we’ll stop in Cleveland, Canton, Asheville, and Hilton Head before returning home. 

We’re going to borrow my son’s Chevy Traverse instead of renting and pay his mortgage for its use. (“See the USA in your Chevrolet.”) This way we both benefit, while he’ll use our cars while we’re gone. We’ll have plenty of room to take some consignment items up north like furs, coats, and clothing that are more likely to sell in the cooler weather. We’re also transferring a few goods to my wife’s sister and providing ourselves a more comfortable means of travel. Gas, of course, will be our biggest expense since most of our lodging will be at Marriott properties and we have a resort credit at Hilton Head. I think we’re ready for a Road Trip!


Theme song from NBC’s “The Dinah Shore Chevy Show” (1957 – 1962) Dinah Shore – 1957

See the USA in your Chevrolet                                                      America is asking you to call                                                Drive your Chevrolet through the USA                                  America’s the greatest land of all                 

On a highway, or a road along the levee                                  Performance is sweeter                                                                    Nothing can beat her                                                                          Life is completer in a Chevy

So make a date today to see the USA                                        And see it in your Chevrolet

(Travelin’ east, Travelin’ west)                                                        (Wherever you go Chevy service is best)                              (Southward or north, near place or far)                                  (There’s a Chevrolet dealer for your Chevrolet car)

So make a date today to see the USA                                        And see it in your Chevrolet (Or my son, Adam’s)


Retirement is not without Hassles: Give Me A Break #2056

In every autobiography that I read, fame seems to be the product of three factors: talent, exposure, and breaks. To be fair, often persistence fits in the mix and if you believe that you’re good at what you do then confidence then plays a role in success. I’m currently reading about the writer James Patterson, wishing that somehow I could have made a living by writing. However, my lack of confidence in my work has prevented me from getting any exposure.

I write this blog every day to hone my skills. I’ve tried my hand at four different novels, but they sit in a drawer gathering dust. I’ve made only marginal attempts to improve on them and certainly haven’t sought professional help or made any attempt to publish. I’ve also written hundreds of poems, some that would make great lyrics, but once again they sit unnoticed. I share them with my wife and make them part of this blog and on occasion read them at a get-together. If there is any talent, there’s certainly little exposure, and therefore little chance for a break. 

Computers and spell-check make writing a book easy in these modern times. I can’t imagine trying to compose on a typewriter or with paper and pencil as James Patterson started his career. I also don’t know anybody in the publishing business and have not been proactive in finding help. I could self-publish just to say that I’m officially an author, but I’m not sure it’s worth the investment. I enjoy writing, even if it has little or no audience because I don’t have the confidence to share. Rarely, do I post any of my writing on Facebook or other social media outlets. I also never get feedback on this blog, so there may come a point where I stop paying for this site, imaging that someone will recognize my talent – if there is any!

I’ve spent my whole life in sales, yet I can’t seem to sell myself. An agent would be helpful, but I don’t know how to go about finding one. I’m not really even seeking fame – just a reason to continue writing because I enjoy it. A few bucks for my efforts would undoubtedly be rewarding, as would some constructive feedback. Come on – somebody give me a break!


Retirement is not without Hassles: Inevitable Conclusion #2055

An hour of sweat every morning is the price of living a tropical life. My runs in Portland were usually cool and cloudy, if not in the dark. All the lawns but one are now complete along my route, while it was dozens a year ago when we first moved here. Soon, there will be little construction at all in our neighborhood and new asphalt will be laid. Just like every other day there was action at the dog park, on the pickle ball courts, and at the resort center pool/fitness center. On Saturdays like this, there is little mowing and trimming going on. I saw a few bikers and walkers but no other runners along the path. 

Today’s plan includes a trip to Costco and a Date Night dinner. I’m all caught up on television series, so college baseball will be my sole focus. Tally has already claimed my office chair. I should still be in the healing stage from my eyelid surgery, but that will need to be rescheduled. A visit with the chiropractor, a dreaded colonoscopy, and an echocardiogram are on the medical docket for next week. Hopefully, we’ll get in a movie. 

As you can see, life is pretty sedate once my morning run is out of the way. I now claim the 401st longest running streak ever in the world at 4,913 consecutive days. This includes both active and inactive streaks, while I’m currently ranked #226 of those still actively doing the deed every day. (Another 3,743, who have completed at least one full year of daily running, are trying to catch me). There are only 50 of us that are over 70 years of age in this group, with most of these tireless elders ranking near the very top – two have exceeded an unbelievable 50 straight years. ( Only four are over 80, indicating that my running days are nearing the final decade. I often wonder what will eventually bring this daily habit to its inevitable conclusion?


Retirement is not without Hassles: Earn More #2054

It’s Fridayyyyyyyyyy! Yeah – we used to think, getting up to face another day. The weekend is finally here! It gets so ingrained in you that even in retirement Fridays are special, although they’re really just like every other day at this stage of life. Yes indeed, a life of Fridays is what I have – day after day of doing as I please. I could no longer handle those days of steady work, raising kids, and trying to make ends meet. It’s exhausting to just think about it, but somehow it all worked out. So here I am, at age seventy with a lifetime of memories and still trying to make ends meet. 

In the next five to ten years I’m probably going to regret not having worked a few more years or saved more money. I may even have to find another career if I want to travel in the future. Or, will I remain content in this resort community and lose that urge to see the world? Many of my neighbors still have second homes while others never go anywhere. Is this by choice or necessity? I’ve always maintained a budget but have never really lived on a fixed income. There were always opportunities to get bonuses and higher commissions, so we always lived well above our means. The reality now is that the flow of income is dwindling but our need to spend has yet to change. We’re still making home improvements and planning our next great adventure. What happens when the spigot gets turned off?

It seems like this is about the only thing left to worry about in retirement. I can no longer contribute to the education funds for my grandchildren, buy expensive jewelry for my wife, or even afford the payments on a new car. We’re even thinking about dropping back to one car and maybe a golf cart. Yes, I can continue to live with the luxuries of our resort community for many years to come, but airlines and cruise ships will no longer be in the budget, unless we can magically figure out a way to earn more!

Retirement is not without Hassles: Another Day in Paradise #2053

The intense Florida heat is allowing me to sweat off a few unnecessary pounds. My diet is still filled with too may sweets as I continue to live up to my “Cookie Man” nickname. Black & Whites, Chocolate Chip, and Oreos are my favorite snack foods. Neighbors bring us cake, Nazook, and lemon bars. I’ve even had some ice cream this week after hot dogs, nachos, and popcorn at the ballpark. However, my shirt and shorts are soaked in sweat when I return from my run, typically now in 80-degree temperatures in the early morning. I’m apparently burning off the calories, and have been able to stay away from alcohol. 

I could stand to lose five more pounds to get rid of my round belly protrusion. I’m obviously many years past having washboard abs despite the sit-ups, push-ups, and pool laps that I attempt every day. Muscles continue to sag while flab is now my biggest enemy. I should probably go to the gym since it’s one of the many amenities in our resort community that I’ve failed to take advantage of using. It’s all a matter of making it a habit, and adding it to the routine list. 

We haven’t found time for a movie yet this week, but continue to watch The Staircase, The Offer, and The Time Traveler’s Wife on TV. I finished two Peacock series yesterday titled The Defeated and The Northman. Skinwalker Ranch barely holds my attention. I will have to abandon my office this afternoon so the cleaning crew can do their once-a-month duties. My wife will be engaged with her Duplicate Bridge club and is enjoying an Aqua-Fit class while I write. It’s just another day in paradise!


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