Have you noticed on Facebook how much younger everyone’s looking these days. It’s because the picture was either from ten years ago or a deceptively stunning sunset. “You guys all look so good and happy,” is the comment, with the reply, “this was from our Honeymoon.” There also seem to be an inordinate number of posts from friends noting, “It Works! I’ve circumvented the system and see stuff from folks I didn’t see anymore.” Well. it didn’t work that well because I can still see you and the ten other people that claim the same thing. Try it again maybe you’ll find a whole new set of friends.  Unfortunately, my sense of humor is turning cynical. 

Personal opinion has reached a new high.  Everyone has become an expert, scientist, or therapist. I’ve haven’t posted anything for months because I haven’t been anywhere, done anything, or seen anyone. I scroll through my feed every morning looking for births, celebrations, and deaths. In the process, I get all the reasons not to reelect Trump and not a single reason for electing Biden beyond defeating Trump. I also get all the reasons to wear a face mask but mostly it’s “you’re an idiot if you don’t.” Or, “do it for your fellow man.” Oh, here’s another article you might be interested in reading.” OK, you’ve made your point… now move on please!

I have the sinking feeling that the Coronavirus and the election will both end at the same time. You see, even I’m falling for the crap on Facebook. It’s supposed to be faces not asses! I’d appreciate it if you’d show me a current face rather than a past face, and don’t try to make me feel bad if I don’t respond. I know you’re sad and lonely these days – we all are – but it’s not worth testing our friendship by posting a single word that describes where we met. Just let me know where you are in the world so that someday we might have the chance to get together again. I might be in the same area! This, to me, is the only good reason to be on Facebook.